NDX2 turned on by itself

My NDX2 turned on by itself while I was at work
Scared my wife. Played some music for a minute then stopped. From what I gathered, it may have played internet radio for a sec and stopped.

Anyone have anything like this?

Any thoughts?

Anyone have any ideas?
Other than to keep my volume down so it doesn’t freak us out if it happens again

Do you use Spotify? Have any friends/family used Spotify on it?

I have…but I’m at work. I’m also listening to Spotify at work, so I can’t imagine it woke up my DAC (it’s on standby)

There are many reports of Spotify initiating playback on streaming devices even when the ‘controlling device’ is outside the home.

It may be that - I don’t use Spotify so can’t detail the specifics but I think it’s a Spotify issue not a Naim one.

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Thanks…could be it

This may help:

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Quite possible, people have for example had friends/family devices remotely starting streamer playback.

Hopefully someone will chime in with more detail and if there’s a way to prevent it.

Anyone have this happen?
Scared my wife who called me just now to ask if I turned on anything remotely

Any thoughts?

Anyone have any ideas?
Other than to keep my volume down so it doesn’t freak us out if it happens again

I remember posts about other users still being logged in via other accounts like Spotify etc can trigger such an event. Perhaps others can comment.

You now have 2 threads running, perhaps @Richard.Dane can merge?


Threads merged.


Problem solved. It was my son….At school 45 minutes away…he pressed on my device on Spotify


It seems odd that this ‘feature’ isn’t disabled by default as I can’t see many practical uses for it, unless perhaps you have distinct networks at home say for work/domestic usage and want to be able to control from either.

It’s such a stupid feature. Someone on the forum had their speakers blown up (and the super call with noise complaints) when they thought they were upping the volume in a phone call, but were really turning their home system up to the max.

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A similar account makes me think has happened before, a system went off at full volume whilst the user was at work - wrecked the speakers - and neighbour relations

We remember the same awful story :slight_smile:

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It’d be interesting to know if Naim firmware could have a feature added to enable/disable playback requests from outside the LAN which are routed to supported streamer services.

I would bet that this idiocy is part of Spotify’s licensing requirements. With some systems, using the max. volume setting would help a bit, I suppose, but not really - a max. volume may protect the speakers but not necessarily the neighbors, depending