Neat Majistra and Uniti Nova

Hello, I only got my Naim Uniti Nova in January and have been enjoying it with ProAc Tablette 10 Signatures. Superb for mid-range and female vocals, but not much bottom end. My choices were to add a sub, or take a chance on a bookshelf speaker with a bit more bass.

I auditioned several speakers locally but ended up taking a chance on a demo pair of Neat Majistra speakers. Wow! With their isobaric woofer design there is much more bass. I know a sub with go deeper, but I’m loving all aspects of the Neat Majistra sound with my Uniti Nova! Speaker cables are Tellurium Back II and for me this set-up exceeds my hopes!



I’ve had Tablet 10 in a midsized room, didn’t work at all.
I was surprised they got that good reviews.

I have owned several Neat speakers and they are in generel terrific music makers.


I have a Nova and wasn’t happy with the combination with Tablette 10 Signatures. It was very clear but with so little bass extension it just didn’t work. The Tabs were great with a Supernait 3 but not with a Nova. I use PMC twenty5.21i with my Nova and they work really well. The Neats look like lovely speakers and I can imagine it’s a great match with the Nova.

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