Need help : how to add a new radio station in the Naim system ? Superstero stations no more available

Hi People,
Once again Superstereo 7 and all other stations are no more available. They are still listed in the Naim Hidef Radio file (see the attached screenshot) but none of them work. I thought it was due to the massive Chritsmas vTuner outage but in fact Superstereo explained to me that they once again changed their website data (by the way they also said they tried several times to get in touch with vTuner … in vain) . Before I asked them to send me the required data to add them in my list, could someone please tell me what are exactly these required data and how to enter them in the Naim system. I forgot the procedure and didn’t succeed in finding how to process. Many thanks. Guy

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I just checked and they don’t work for me either. Maybe @Stevesky (who works at Naim) can get them working again.

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The changed URL’s can be found on the High Resoluion Audio website
SuperStereo 1 - High Resolution Audio (

I have also posted them on the Best Internet Radio topic
Best internet radio anyone? - Streaming Audio - Naim Audio - Community

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VTuner never respond or do anything!

see new links posted above.


Ok got it. Thanks a lot, Paul

Thanks for the updated URLs Paul_C. For the benefit of the Naim streaming-challenged , what do we do with these new URLs to get them onto our App/NDX2?

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Paul, once again thanks a lot for these info. But could you please remind me how to add myself the desired stations’ url in the system through the app ? Or even better, could someone from the Naim staff ask vTuner to update all SuperStereo stations data and then update them in the Naim Hidef radio list, because at the moment they still don’t work ?

You need to log into your vTuner account (or create one if you haven’t already) and link the MAC address of your NDX2….Once done, there is a section to add your own favourite stations if they don’t already exist on the Naim/vTuner list…You add the relevant URL’s and they will then appear under Added Stations on your NDX2/App ….



@Stevesky has been alerted.

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:+1: Thanks a lot SC


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