Network switch

I’m currently using a £10 Amazon switch which is connected to my router and then to my NDX2.

I can replace it with the below at no cost.

Give this needs to be plugged in to the mains I was wondering if it wouldn’t introduce additional noise to the network /ndx2 (I know nothing about this topic)?

Any network / hi-fi switch experts that could advise please?

You might like to do a search. Put aside a few days to go through the results. Streaming might be a better room too.


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And endless banal entrenched arguments.


try it and see, i suspect it will be better…

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Agree, try and see.
However the GS110TP is a managed switch and although I expect it has simple plug&play feature, it does have a lot of features not normally associated with audio.
But no it will not add more noise and its switchset is maybe a step up over whatever it is you have now.

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Other recommendations , from less to more expensive :

  • Cisco 2960 8tc. No better for that price, around 200 złotych
  • Bonn N8
  • English Electric E8
  • Uptone Etheregen
  • Innuos PhoenixNet

Thanks for the recommendation. 200 złotych sounds very reasonable :rofl:

Turntable is my main source so not really looking for an upgrade but I’ve been given this one for free so might give it a try :smiling_face:

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I see a Goldnote Bellagio with Origin Live Enterprise. First time I see someone here with that turntable.
Must be something.

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Funny looking switch


Anyone on here had experience with Reiki Audio switch made in UK?

It’s the turntable from his profile. I understand why Ndx2/ Xpsdr is his secondary source.

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I experienced it. I was so relaxed that I went to sleep. It drained my energy flows

:clap: :clap:

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More seriously, you can take a look at the Network Acoustic Tempus. I had opened that thread somewhere here.
It’s made in UK. Someone here bought it and enjoys.

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That’s an interesting looking turntable. Curious how it might compare to mine.

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Does’nt your existing £10 Amazon switch plug into the mains?
I see no reason why the Netgear would be noisier, and if you can get it at no cost then its worth a go
although it seems to have way more ports than you use

Thank you FR. I guess not a lot of Gold Note turntables, Origin Live tonearms or Titanic Audio carts on the forum :see_no_evil: The ndx2/xpsdr was my main source for a while but the analogue is just so addictive :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I have always admired your analogue set up. I think Clear Audio Innovation is one of the best looking decks and it must sound incredible with your 12” Universal and Lyra Atlas.

Not sure if you knew but your deck is upgradable to master innovation, did you ever think about doing it? Clear Audio is such a great brand and I don’t think it gets enough credit on this forum.

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Thank you for the nice words. I am well aware of the upgrade path to Master Innovation. That can be done in the field and I even know how to do it.

I think the cost is about $15k though, and I would need new feet for my HRS isolation base too. I just retired so unless I come on an unexpected windfall I will have to suffer with what I have. :slight_smile:


I also have a NDX2/XPSDR and it is rarely used. It spends most of the time powered down altogether.

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