New 250 power amplifier vs 300 DR

Back to the original post, there is so much to consider at the moment it might be worth pausing and waiting until you can hear the new New Classics in the Autumn.

It usually makes sense to decide on your “end game” and move there as quickly as possible, 332/350 or 332/300DR ??

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For the new range Naim focused more on simplicity which I suspect came higher up in the priorities this time around than in the past where you really can feel the no compromise in a different way. It’s challenging doing both to their fullest though. Often you have to chose one over the other.


correct! just waiting for my dealer to confirm delivery of 300 - I have a number of options which I am pondering but until you hear it - first off for me will be the phono stage for LP12 vs Urika and then…

and for what is worth the 250 - 3 is great and better than 250DR but IMO it did not match my 300DR


I’m guessing that I am the trade member that you’re referring to.

Movies can be a more sterner test than music. Watching and listening to movies such as Halo 4 Forward Unto Dawn which have a reference grade soundtrack near or at reference levels in an effectively aligned, calibrated and dialled system enables the New Classic NAP 250 to stretch its legs. In this respect even under some of the most arduous conditions the New Classic NAP 250 shows its mettle and helps the New Classic NAP 250 to separate the men from the boys.

This. Most of the criticisms we read about the NC are not based in any real experience and are from people who have no intention of buying the NC gear. I recall similar criticisms when the old classic gear came out. These new products are long overdue and I’m glad to see them even though the 250.3 is better than my 250DR.


They have and the might fine New Classic NAP 250 is an example of progress.

I think there is something between against and for the new gear.

I am an example. I am going to build towards the new gear, as I have trust in the brand, and trust that they made a lot of improvements in the new gear.

But I have spend some money 3 years ago for new gear of the now old models. So, as I am no millionaire, I want to see how I can work towards a complete new system, combining both.

I heard from the presentation in Munich, that the new gear can work together with the previous, with exemptions for the PSU.

So there are possibilities. Let say, I would buy the NAC 332 preamp, to work with my NDX2 and 300 DR. 1 year later I ad a NPX 300 for the NAC 332. Another year the power amp etc.

I guess many are not negative about the new, but also do not want to see the old as obsolete

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Your plan looks good to me. Only other option would be add a power supply to the NDX2 first.

Depends on how keen you are to try the new products rather than strictly source first.

Naim UK have discontinued the following NAP300DR, NAC252 and SupercapDR plus other gear all gone!

Hi forum members

I have just swapped 250dr for the new 250. I notice the speaker connections are placed differently to previous naps and wondering what’s left and what’s right. Am I correct that with new nap speaker cables should not cross if the system was in the middle of two speakers? My system is to the right of the two speakers and not in the middle.

Rest of the system is nac252/supercap dr /nds/555dr. Thank you



And in 5 years, 2 years after your new classic system being complete, Naim will sort out the new modern series, NMS 355 pre and NMC 352. So it will be time to sell the 333, 332 and 350 ……
Just kidding


Correct they are on the opposite sides of the 250DR so they won’t cross over with the system in the middle.

What 4pin DIN to Bal XLR cables are you using to connect the SCDR to the NC250?

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Thanks. I have the chord clearway din/xlr pair.

:thinking:It never ends :crazy_face:

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That’s one view. Another view might be that men listen to music and boys watch movies. Not saying that’s my view.

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New Classic NAP 250 has gaming, movies and music nicely covered :slightly_smiling_face:

Back to the original question of this thread; I’m currently demoing a system comprised of a 282/NDX2/300DR after previously demoing a 222/NC250 combo. Both of these systems are/were feeding my Focal Kanta No2s, and I have to say I prefer the older classic series sound with these speakers. The New Classic line certainly sounds good, with a very airy and open presentation, but the 282/300DR system comes across as better composed and controlled to my ears. Each listener of course will have their own opinion, but this is how I hear it.


And if you add a 252 to the 282/300 mix I think you will get that bit of more air and open presentation, without losing what makes the 282 great.


Fair, but I found the open and airy presentation of the new classic range a bit fatiguing when listening for prolonged sessions.

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