New 250 power amplifier vs 300 DR

I have a 252DR/300DR system and it is never fatiguing to listen to. I mostly play acoustic classical and jazz on it.

I am more curious how a 332/300/350 sounds. I think my inefficient, power hungry 4Ω speakers would love the 350 pair of amps.

I agree: fatigue absolut nicht with 252/300DR.

It has a presentation I just don’t tire of through classical, jazz, rock, soul, folk and reggae, not to mention the more ‘difficult’ stuff. Wonderful combo.


It’s good to read some posts like that, in order to relativize some comments exaggerating the sound quality of the 222/250 , seen in the main trade.


I compared 222/NC 250 to 282/NDX2/250DR at my dealer with Sopra 2s. I came away with the same conclusion as you. I purchased the ex-demo 282/250DR to pair with my Kanta 2s and NDX2/555PSDR at home and I have been very very pleased with this extremely capable and musical combination.


That’s not really a comparison of the New 250 vs 300DR. That’s a two box system vs a 5 box system. It’s not shocking you found the NDX2/282/300DR better.

A real comparison would be a NDX2/282/300DR vs NDX2/282/NC250 with the same speakers. The cable difference makes it a pain though.

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Right, but we have to work with what we have to work with. There is/was a comparison of the new and old amp’s voicing there, as the newer generation kit has been frequently described as more airy and open, basically a polite way to say brighter. Regardless, shared experiences and opinions can be found more or less helpful to different people.

I standby my views in that

  1. The New Classic NAP 250 is superior to the NAP 300 DR. The New Classic NAP 250 has the NAP 250 DR and the NAP 300 DR covered for gaming, movies and music.

  2. I’ve managed to get the performance of NSC 222/NPX 300 > SCM40A and SCM100ASL to surpass the performance of NAC 282/Hi-Cap DR > SCM40A and SCM100ASL.

I remember the source was an Nd5xs2, not?
The 222 into active speakers work clearly better than a 282.
The fair comparison would be: Ndx2/282/hicap/ 250 dr into not difficult driving speakers vs 222/300/250.3.

I don’t doubt the new 250 is better vs 250 dr. Vs 300 dr, I believe, from other posts, it’s just different.


The streaming section of the NSC 222 and one of the external sources was an ND5 XS 2.

NAP 300 DR and the New Classic NAP 250 have been fairly compared with identical components and in the same systems.

Btw, as far as I am aware I believe that so far my comments about the NAP 300 DR and the New Classic NAP 250 might be the only ones which also reference having tested both power amplifiers in AV systems for gaming and movies.

Thanks for your continued contributions despite some cool responses to them.
Just curious have you compared streaming section of 222 with/without NPX300 to benchmark them against say ND5XS2 and NDX2?
I have no agenda here just an interested observer and understand if you would rather not say!

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I have with an ND5 XS 2. You’re good with the streaming section of the NSC 222 :+1:


Thanks for the response.
Had a ND5XS2 previously and really liked it.
Naim streamers do seem to respond well to separate PSU and liked it with 222 which also benefits the pre too.
I’m very happy with results but don’t dwell too long on £5.7k on a power supply!
Are you getting many enquiries/sales on New Classic gear?

You’re welcome :+1:

ND5 XS 2 is truly excellent. I have one at home waiting to be paired to a NAIT 50 :slightly_smiling_face:

New Classic 200 Series is ticking along nicely and some clients are trading in their New Classic 200 Series up to the New Classic 300 Series :sunglasses:

Overall things are brisk.


Sounds like you’re quite busy so thanks for taking time to respond.
I’d be looking forward to hearing the ND5XS2 and Nait 50 combination - think the speaker choice would key - enjoy :blush:.

It would be interesting to learn how the new nac 332 preamp WITHOUT PSU compares to the 282 with Hicap.

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I’d be more interested to know how a 332 without PSU compares to a 252.


That’s my long planned upgrade pathway shafted then :slightly_frowning_face:

If I have to realign to the ‘new paradigm’ why would I not look at alternative vendors?

Yes, also. I have a 282/hi cap/300 DR. I am thinking about bying a young 252/SC, or to go for the nac 332. Last would be a good move, if it is better compared to 282. In time I would be able to ad a PSU to the 332. I think that combination should outperform the 252/SC.

I have a 252/SCDR/300DR and am just curious. I am not planning an upgrade. I think turntable will be my final upgrade before I retire.


I think if you want to upgrade to a 252/SCDR/300DR you will have a lot of opportunity to for years to come, as others trade/sell what they have for NC box upgrades.