New CD Player?

CD drives are pretty cheap. I found iTunes/Apple Music the best way to rip copy protected discs. I tried a few different rippers which all had varying degrees of success, but the Apple ripper never failed.


I would say that the ND is just marginally better. Although better isnā€™t quite the right word. The ND quieter than the CDP but then it doesnā€™t run any moving parts. Maybe different is the right word? I know when the NDS was around I compared one to my CDP and didnā€™t think it was as good. It truly is a phenomenal piece of equipment. If you get the chance I urge you to listen to one.


Now that you have said that, I will have to.

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Thank you, Ian, but streaming and I will never be happy bedfellows. Apart from anything else, I like to be able to look at the LP or CD that I am about to play, read the liner notes, etc.


+1 on this, I have always been a ā€˜noā€™ streaming is not for me person but I am finding a bit of use for streaming, great as background music whilst Iā€™m working in the office, on long car journeys, useful at family gatherings - BBQā€™s, Parties etc.

So not the top spot on my source list but slowly gaining a bit of momentum, it could kick CDā€™s out of position 2 on my source list given a bit more investigation into what is achievable.

AFAIK itā€™s been OK from 1.6.2014 as long as itā€™s personal use onlyā€¦

Streaming is great for the car, listening on the iPhone while walking and researching different music. For background music, I like CDs, and my number one choice is vinyl.


Not surprising with NAIA!


Much if not all info on albums / tracks are available on Tidal, and I assume Qobuz. Also lyrics to many popular tracks are synced to the music when using Tidal Connect. So itā€™s kind of getting there.

Hi Graham

Thatā€™s actually what i am suggesting, using the streamerā€™s dac , and the CD transport still gives you physical possession of the material .
The internet radio is as easy to use s the radio from your Sat Dish but sounds better

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Or just Rip your CDs and then stream them locally?

That legislation was overruled by the high court, so copying remains technically illegal.


Yes, it is something that is very much in consideration, I have done this using i-Tunes and a tiny (in physical size) USB drive to use in the car and played on shuffle makes for an amusing accompaniment on journeys when Christmas tracks appear on Valentines day.

Iā€™m not an expert on what quality the music is on this USB stick but it sounds just fine on the car audio system.

I can see me ripping my CD collection onto a drive of some description in the best format possible to play on a network media player in the not too distant future, how exactly I do this I am unsure but that is research for another day.

I have gone from a not interested in streaming to hmm thatā€™s an interesting format in a very short space of time, I am still learning about the whole aspect of streaming, network players and just what they can do. On my radar is something along the lines of a SN3 + NDX 2 or a NSC 222 and NAP250 or maybe a one box set-up along the lines of a Linn Selekt but I wonā€™t have funds until much later this year so now is the time to research and get some auditioning done.

Hopefully this link is ok, covers what you say and provides a few links to the detail.ā€™private%20use,is%20accessible%20only%20by%20you.

How silly.

Thanks :+1:

I have an Isis SS, I bought it just before Christmas, a New Old Stock deal.
I tend to play mostly CD now, still play records, but Iā€™ve become obsessed with hoovering up bargain CDs.

If you can demo one, have a listen and decide for yourself.

Be aware that it wonā€™t make a bad recording sound good, U2 War is still terrible.


Great reply @PAlker555, bringing us nicely back to the Isis. Also itā€™s interesting to find someone with an all Rega top flight system. Tell us more about it all. Did you have other makes before. Why did you go all Rega?

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I can (indeed, have) run an even older Meridian 200 into my nDAC-XPS. That sounds pretty d@mn good as well!

I think that when the CDX goes belly up, then a CD transport of some sort into the nDAC will be the way to go, rather than a ā€œproperā€ CD player.

To that end, itā€™s a shame that Naim dropped the 5XS, in favour of the 5si, which looks to be a bit of a retrograde step.



I live near Westcliff-on-Sea, (for the second time in my life).
The first time was nearly 40 years ago, after learning from a few mistakes I ended up with a Rega Planar 3, Audiolab, and Celestian SL6. Life was good.
One day walking past Rayleigh HiFi I saw a LP12 on the used stock shelf and realised life could be better.
Over the next few years I had some friends who off loaded their kit on me, so add to it an Ittok, K18, 42 / 110 and a CDI piped through a pair of mk2 Kans. Life was once again good, and I had the classic Linn-Naim-Linn.

Then, lets call them life changing moments, the Tammy Wynette style.
It all gets sold. Managed to keep my cds, not a clue what happened to the records.

Roll forward and Iā€™m back in England and living in Greenwich, where there is a little used record shop, I started thinking ā€¦ and I still had my CDs.

I was torn between the Rega or LP12 route, and eventually thought Iā€™d keep things simple, and less expensive - haha.
I went down the Rega route, I picked up some local deals from ebay, Rega RP3, Brio, Roksan cd player and some Tannoys. Wasnā€™t quite there, and the RP3 became a 6, and life was better.
Records sounded good, CDs were meh and I never listened to them.

Then I ended up back in Westcliff and decided it was probably time for a service, so whilst I was in Rayleigh hifi I asked them for a MC cart upgrade. Oh dear. Chalk and cheese. GAS.

This time I decided if I upgrade then I will wait and go as best as I can in one step.
So I once again opened the LP12 Naim pandora box, I listened to my friendā€™s kit, listened in the shop, but I liked the Rega and decided to stay in the family.

Once the P10 was released and a few RP10 came onto the market, I changed the turntable.
The tannoys went and I got PMC 21.24, next on the shopping was the CD and Amp. I save some cash, buy records, replacing the back catalogue and buying new music too, and waiting. I hear a demo of Naim and Fact 12s and decided the 21.24 were also needing to be changed.

Eventually I find them, and in the usual style, they all arrive at the same time. So at the end of last year, I added Isis, Osiris and Fact 8 sig.
Isis was a New Old stock, the other two were ebay, local sales.

Life is once again good. I just need another couple of years and then retirement, and the justification of the investment into entertaining my idleness will be satisfied.

Now Iā€™m done buying the hardware, the good thing with Rega, no option to keep adding more boxes. Iā€™m now searching for the software, and even one of my daughters is hooked into the charity shop CD treasure hunt at the weekends.

I use an ipad to try music, but Iā€™ve zero interest in proper steaming, I like the search for little treasures, and the slow development of a collection, it was the little shop in Greenwich that sparked the flame and it is with that mentality that Iā€™ll stay.


I started my first system at 18 with Rega Plana 3. Great to hear about your system journey. Thank you!