New Classic 222/300/350 - The Modern Mullet

Very interesting Nigel. If I were to upgrade I would go for 333/332/250 rather than 222 as in the source first approach. Concensus seems to be 350s are the big uplift so putting onto 222 from the start seems strange, then home demo is a must

I would be very interested in your reaction to this demo in the New Year.

Being of the source first persuasion I would have instinctively gone with 333/332/250 but there seems to be such a buzz around the 350s, and the 222 with a 300 is so capable, the path is less obvious to me.

Not that I am looking to upgrade of course.:grimacing:


That’s the thing and of course just my view (so not fact) the 222 /300 combo works very well with the 350’s…Amos Lee sounds fantastic …you should try :roll_eyes:


It was when the 350;s were put on i got that stupid “wow” moment…….it all came together, for me. I would normally go source first, but……


Yes Gazza, life was so easy when I had my pimped LP12, A&R A60 and some bookshelf speakers.


I’ll be sure to post my findings.

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Does anyone know if the streaming board functionality is better in the ND555 versus the new 300 streamer ? Does the 300 streamer have more processing power ?

Has anyone heard these two side by side.

I’m working on my new album - it’s going to be a modern opera/acid jazz fusion, thanks @NigelB for the inspiration it will be called - The Modern Mullet :sunglasses:


Have a good day😁

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It’s too early for popcorn guys.


More processing power may (but need not) be a bad thing if you consider electronic noise. Especially with a DAC in the same box sharing the ps.

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I’m pretty sure it is the same streaming board. The Naim specific NP800 from Stream Unlimited.

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This forum is so incredibly helpful.

Without having heard any of these systems or having experience with upgrades (beyond swapping Atom for Nova), and just look at combinations:

Would 333/222/300/250 be any option to consider? (Likely with adding 332 later. Otherwise limited value, I guess.)
Just thinking of the 300 you would remove with the above options, and potentially later add again to the system (unless you’re sure you won’t do that - box count etc.) - just curious here.

I wouldn’t choose to pair 333 with 222 as you would have surplus streamer in the 222 and ultimately the 222’s pre amp would hold back the 333.

I dropped a 300 from the 333/332/250 option to make this option broadly comparable in price to the 222/300/350. If upgrading from a 222/300/250, the 250 could be traded in against the 350, or the 222/300 could be traded in against a 333/332.

I’ll stop there as my head is about to explode!

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I heard the NC250 for the second time today. First time was paired with a 222, this time with the 332 as pre and a Nyquist DAC as a source.

I was disappointed for the second time. Soundstage was small and particularly low. Voices were thin. Analytical but not musical.

In comparison I felt the 9.5k Pass Labs INT-60 was significantly better… to my ears… at over 4k less: I felt it had a bigger soundstage in all dimensions, was more musical, and both voices and instruments had more texture and richness. I just enjoyed listening to it!

perhaps the sonus faber speakers weren’t a good pairing with the naim.

I think I may be moving away from Naim amplification in the new year, which makes me slightly sad as they were my first toe in the water of really good quality hifi about 10 years ago. On the bright side I’m absolutely loving the 333 streamer I picked up a few months ago, and that will be with me for a long while yet!

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Instead of 222/300 , why not consider bar 332?
It looks more logical, specially if you take the 333.

I was only looking at the transition/upgrade mentioned above.
And asking (myself, loud), if it’s a better deal to trade in or keep a 300 you already have. (Surely the question, whether it’s an intended last or interim steps plays strongly into the equation.)

You seem to be blaming the NC250 for your disappointment. Maybe the Nyquist DAC doesn’t play nicely with Naim?