New Classic 222/300/350 - The Modern Mullet

That makes a lot of sense, but if a system is a bit unbalanced (like many lf us here :slightly_smiling_face:), then I believe it would be best to favour the source first approach.
When I added the NDS which was a 500 series product (?), to my SN2, it was a revelation. Everything came alive … my speakers, the SN2, my wife …
The NDS/SN2 seem to make any set of speakers I connect sound good.
Just my experience. Sorry for the thread drift from the NC series, but I thot it applied as most likely many of the members here are in a somewhat constant state of upgrading. I think that during all those times it would be beneficial to have the front end conponents be at the higher level, so that one can properly evaluate the changes and possible improvements in SQ down the line, from the other components that one is testing/demoing.



Not if it’s unbalanced by already having a source that’s much better than the downstream components.

Anyway, source first is never intended as a destination, only a transitional phase.


Yep! That’s what the NDS does :sweat_smile:


It plays fine with old classic :wink:

Interesting statement. I’m not blaming the NC250. I simply thought it wasn’t very good! twice… in 2 totally different setups, on two seperate occassions

I did say perhaps the speakers didn’t pair well. Of course equally it could be the DAC. Given I heard it with the 222 on the other occasion I’m guessing its not that however.

More likely, having heard the 250 twice in two totally different setups, the disappointment was due to me not liking the sound the 250 produces. I’ve been loving the SN2 for the lsat 8 years so a bit mystifying to me… thought I’d love the 250 given the family ties and the higher tier, but twas clearly not to be for me…

edit: for kicks I had a quick check of with my morning coffee. the definition of “disappoint” is to fail to fulfil the expectations of. Ok. I change my earlier statement your honour… yes, I’m blaming the 250 for my disappointment. After hearing a much cheaper amp my expectations were that the 250 would be competitive, albeit no doubt with a different sonic character. Were my expectations unreasonable? I don’t think so. Did it meet those expectations? No, hence I blame the Naim as the cause of my disappointment. Of course my experience is subjective before anyone states the obvious (albeit the dealer yesterday agreed with my assessment, but perhaps they just do that to get a sale!). I’m fully owning my disappointment though and not having a meltdown, so don’t worry :slight_smile:

People are allowed not to like things AND express that opinion on here

Alternatively - and better in my view - get the speakers as good as you can and properly suited to your preference in sound presentation as early on as possible in system building, subject to the source being at least half decent (and if you’re buying any Naim streamer you’re definitely at or past that point), and amp capable of controlling the speaker at lest sufficiently to not allow it to wallow around with unpleasantly flabby bass). After that you can properly evaluate the changes and possible improvements in SQ with changes up the line, while enjoying the sound balance you really love. After all, the speakers have the single biggest influence on sound character of any system component, though decent speakers are inherently big and expensive if you like to hear and appreciate the bottom end fully and undiminished rather than artificially making up for it by just listening to harmonics.

The disadvantage of this approach is that without the constant limiting sound character of inferior speakers you are not so driven to frequent upgrades.


Hmm I guess my wife needs an ND555 then.


No sh1t Sherlock. I opened this thread purely to seek opinions. I merely speculated that there could be an issue with a mismatch with a DAC, but I totally accept mctaff’s analysis.

It is all good!

I do totally love my 333… so I’m definitely not a Naim hater… in case the gates of Hades were about to open and swallow me :slight_smile:

I wonder if I should demo the 350’s. I fear I might like it though and they are definitely at the very top end of my budget!

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Maybe you should have tried the 350s ………… :grinning:

Yeah, given my experience with 250s from olive to NC and owning and demoing all the SNs at one time or another I’m comfortable saying his is an outlier experience. I’ve learned over the years to take impressions from mixed brand systems with a grain of salt. They’re not representative. But to each their own as always.

I employed this phrase many moons ago, (I believe even used asterisks instead of letters) … and my post was deleted. Let’s see.

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My half mullet no 300 ps sounds pretty good to me. I demo 222/300/250 but found it too edgy for me ,just liked the 222/350 sound.

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Umm - isn’t that more of a mullet rather than a half one?


Double mullet :disguised_face:

A scary sight :joy:

Makes me wonder how the 555 differs from the 300 b/c there’s nothing edgy about the sonics I’m getting with 222/555/250.

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Apologies @NigelB. The same 4 or 5 people keep coming on here writing the same post over and over ad infinitum about how great the NC series is. When anyone seems to challenge that in any way it’s immediately the fault of another part of their system as the NC kit can’t possibly be at fault or not to someone’s taste. I was a bit grumpy this morning and chose to reply the way I did. The point still stands though and your post came across that way even if not intended.

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