New Classic 222/300/350 - The Modern Mullet

No apologies needed, and maybe my response was a little…er…robust.

I often hear of less than satisfactory results with mixed brand systems and it does make me wonder if there is a loss in synergy with those systems, if you believe in such a thing.

Have a great Christmas @Buryfc .


To my ears the NC250 was a disappointment but the 350s were beyond expectations. I thoroughly recommend the 350s.


One has to give it to the indulgence and the fun in this slightly bizarre thread where most of the posts here talk about system balance (well, including the title) without even mentioning the word speakers and, of course, amps are just compared as … well, art - amps for amps sake! :innocent:


Good point @garcon, to be a proper mullet you need (relatively) expensive speakers. I recon the NAP 350s could drive some pretty exotic speakers.

Which are the poshest speakers you have heard of being driven by NAP 350s?

This is the exact reason that I ended up in the Naim family. The units are pre-designed to work with each other and to get the best SQ from each other. And they’re tested together and re-designed until a superb SQ is being produced.
I went thru many interations of mixed audio components in my audio systems, from some very good equipment manufacturers and never got it right. Finally, Naim looked after that for me.


That’s easily the Focal Grande Utopia EM Evo in my case. I’d like to even have a room that could accommodate those behemoths.


This is exactly how I arrived with NAIM as well. A visit to the Audio store examples that there are a myriad of permutations and combinations. All expertly sold of course …… So my listening room system is : Uniti Core - > NDS/555DR - > 252/SCAP → NAP300 → NAIM Ovator S600’s… I have SL interconnects all the way through.

The other pathway that I could have followed was T+A

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Maybe I’ve been lucky, but I’ve never had problems with any system despite never having had a single-brand system, simply at each stage picking the best affordable component to slot in in place of whatever I have upgraded from. Maybe Naim Is a bit different because of the way they design their pre and power amps, though certainly on this forum some people seem to have happily mixed and matched other pre or power amps with Naim.

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Did you listen to T&A? If so which ones and what did you think. I really like the Dac 200 but the next level up is a huge jump in price

Nice system. The 252 is on my wish list, but there are too many other more important things ahead of it at the mo.
I believe that mis-matching audio components is more of an issue with high-ish end kit, like in the Naim Audio price range. Didn’t really notice it at lower levels of equipment.

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I have recently upgraded from 222/300/250 to 222/300/350 and I can confirm that the difference between the 250 and 350’s is massive. Much more dynamics and bass control, very impressive. My speakers are Focal Sopra’s No2.

My previous system was a 272/300dr combination and when I upgraded first to 222/300/250 I missed the bass control.


Did you have a 555ps on the 272? Do you consider the 222/300/250 an upgrade over 272/(555)/300?

I had a non-Naim “XPS” on the 272.

In general I liked the sound of the 250nc more than the 300dr, it was brighter/clearer but the bass control was less. I think the 350’s combine the best qualities of the 250nc/300dr with even more dynamics.


Exactly what I expected based on the specs.

I bet those speakers sound incredible, just looked at their specs … 2m high(!), 16” sub, 11” mid/bass etc, with that cone area they must be close to that live experience.

It’s also interesting that this is probably the third or fourth photo I’ve seen from a demo/show that’s using the four box base 300 series system, says something about their capabilities … especially driving speakers like these that must be so revealing in what’s going into them.


Anyone else remember Marvin the paranoid android?

Just a little family resemblance? :thinking:


Has anyone tried the 222 into 350s being powered by two NPX300s yet?

Nah. They’re descended from Dr Who’s most formidable adversary:

As they once said to the Naim Ovator 800, “You have been exterminated.”


Another idiot here…

With a very successful 272/555DR + 300DR system.

Thinking of changing to 222/555DR though.


Nothing to think about :wink::metal: