New Classic 250 Auto Standby

So it could be me being thick but I suspect the Auto Standby function is not working on my 250.

Been using it for a couple of days; out the box the rear selector was set to Instant On so I switched that over to Auto Standby.

Left it for an hour or so this afternoon and still showing lights and power…hence assume it hasn’t entered standby mode.

Did a reset this evening - front panel On button was flashing and I turned it back on. Now I have forced it to go to standby by the front panel switch.

Anyone having a similar experience with Auto Standby? Note I’m using it with a 282…


I think it needs to be linked to a NC Streamer or NC Preamp with the Digital Cable for the Auto Standby. Mine has never gone into auto standby with my 252SC.

You are in for a treat. I’m going on 6 months with mine and it’s brilliant. Would love to hear it with the ATC’s like you have.

@nicnaim - Thanks for the reply - I’m a little confused as the literature suggests the Auto Standby is for ‘legacy systems’…

I’ll see what the reset does tm - spent a day messing with the system and had enough for a Friday night!

The ATCs are awesome - and yes the 250 is sounding great already…

Do you have system automation switched off?

System automation on and working between the NDX and 282; but unless I’ve completely missed the point the Remote In on the 250 is for New Classic connectivity only using an optical cable. Therefore no connection other than the DIN to XLR cables in a legacy system.

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