New Classic 300 Series CD Player?

Hello all - I’m a new Naim owner having just purchased a Solstice turntable package. I’m absolutely blown away with it and very interested in expanding my collection. I’m curious if anyone is aware if there are any plans to release a new CD player or if Naim has transitioned fully to streamers moving forward. Also, and I realize this may be an impossible question, but I very much welcome opinion and speculation, but does anyone know how the Naim 300 series pre and power amps would compare to Audio Research Ref 6 and Ref 75. Thanks in advance, for any guidance.

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Very much doubt Naim will ever produce another CD player (unless & until CD undergoes its own vinyl-style revival!). Would love to be proved wrong, but I wouldn’t put money on it.

Your only options for the time being are a) CD5si or b) an older, better player s/h. The latter option comes with a side order of doom-laden predictions about how you’re gambling on the mechanism not failing, since they are increasingly unrepairable.



New cd player
500 series imminent replacement
Superline imminent replacement

Next: new fm radio
Statement streamer imminent?
New Naim cartridge?
New Naim speakers?
New Fraim replacement?



You’re forgetting the fabled Cassette Deck and the Electrostatic speakers…


There are no rumours and you are the first person to ask here, which suggests not much demand, which in turn suggests that Naim won’t produce a new high end CD player.

If it were me, I would probably buy a CD5 si or more likely transition my CD listening to streaming.

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We will see porcine flight before Naim produce a 300 series CD player, imo. There are very many excellent CD players out there from other manufacturers.

As to the amp comparison; chalk and cheese. Get yourself down to a dealer and do a comparison.

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This may not indicate low demand for CDP, but that the consumer has accepted the statement about the CDP production shutdown by Naim and switched to other brands.


Obviously anyone who still wants a high end CD player will have to look elsewhere, but Naim’s given reason for stopping production was falling demand. It would take a significant and sustained increase in demand to persuade them that developing a new product could be viable.

Statement tape deck…lol

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Well, you LOL, but anyone five years ago who’d suggested Naim would make a £16k turntable in the near future would also have been laughed at…

[I happen to agree with you; merely pointing out that stranger things have happened!]


hahahaha this is it mate…we just never know

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I’d just stick to a Rega Isis or Saturn.
They are supported by maker.

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I’d welcome speakers but I very much doubt it will happen.

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I’ve recently purchased a DDC and it’s transformed my computer streaming setup into a proper high end source. Even better than I had managed before. One would imagine that with the convenience of streaming along with the realisation that my computer setup if nothing else matches my Uber high end CD transport, that I would abandon my CD transport but there is still something very addictive about a CD collection. Similarly to vinyl.

I think there is still a market for CD players although whether it’s lucrative enough for Naim to invest in is a different conversation.

I’ve pushed my CD5si as far as I want to with Chord Shawline -power cord, Chord Shawline interconnect and Isoacoustics isolation pucks - about £600 + of extras, I won’t go any further and if it has to be replaced I would go for a CD transport and feed it into my Uniti Qute

There are some exciting CD transports around even if there aren’t as many CD players . I put this picture on another thread a few minutes ago

Thank you all for confirming what I suspected. Sounds like the NSS 333 is the way to go (at least until the CD revolution). I’ll start ripping…

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Shame that Naim won’t put a SPDIF out on the 5si. Wouldn’t be the pinnacle but would be useful as a transport…


You have just said what I have said

Many times
Many Many times
Many Many Many times

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But who’s laughing now? A lot of money spent on what?

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I’m holding out for the 8-track tape deck, with dual PSUs.