New Classic legacy cable deal

There is always hope


With my intention to replace my SN2 (currently used as a preamplifier) with the NAC 332 Preamplifier, and retain my NAP 250DR, this is offer has arrived at the perfect time for me.

The cable I will need appears to be Part Number 00-010-247, New Classic Preamp XLR to Legacy NAP 250 XLR.

I do hope that naim extend this offer outside the UK, and perhaps any rise in sales / transition to New Classic here, will encourage this if it proves successful.

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Nice move by Naim in the UK. I don’t know how the distributor deal works outside the UK or how much Naim can encourage other distributors to offer the same deal. But I think they should and I imagine they have.

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At least in Denmark this has not been the case up until now. But w who knows what the distributor decides this time.

It becomes bit strange when Naim also act as a distributor in the UK and differentiate themselves against other markets and distributors. If the deal and margins are the same I guess the other distributors would offer the same as global launch goodwill but something tells me it’s not which creates a we and them thingy. Same with the other offer recently launched for UK only. It makes the other markets feel excluded. Up to naim how they want to be thought of as a brand of course. Inclusive or exclusive.


I recall seeing offers in other countries mentioned on this forum that were not available in the UK. So I am guessing it is just how it is, sometimes UK punters are the fortunate ones, and other times it will be international customers who are.

@Richard.Dane - do you know what the position is for those of us who jumped in early and had to buy the necessary cables.

Yes, this is exactly the point.

These are different, as they are dealer discounts against their markup. The issue here is that Naim are running product promotions exclusive to the UK, which excludes other markets and suggests that they are less important to Naim. Or more precisely, that their customers outside the UK are not as important to them.


The answer seems to be suck it up.

I don’t Marq. Probably something best discussed with your dealer.


This has (unfortunately) always been the case, as these promotions are done by the sales and distribution, rather than by Naim as a manufacturer - different margins.

Distributors have sometimes copied such promotions, or come up with promotions of their own, but that’s up to them and their dealers. Naim can’t make them follow suit, and their different costs and margins may not make it possible anyway.


I suspect you’re right, but it’s not a good look. If this is a good idea for Naim now it was a good idea from the beginning rather than stiffing early adopters. A bigger worry is that Naim ‘need’ to do this - are they not shifting units? did they get the pricing wrong? will they have to be adjusted?

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An alternative is perhaps to realize that the market is not homogeneous and instead rejoice that our English friends have receiving this offer?:thinking:

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What worries? Naim’s standard marketing for decades in the UK to encourage customers to upgrade.

Unquestionably, but that wasn’t really the point I was trying to make. This is a financial based promotion trying to incentivise more take up of NC into existing systems barely 6 months into the launch of a major new product line and reversal of a previous pricing strategy for these cables. Makes me wonder about the reasoning but perhaps I’m just overthinking it.

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Yes, you probably do actually :smile:

Maybe, but in my experience companies never give away something for nothing. Incentives and promotions are just that. Feathers, chickens etc :wink:


:wink: But I don’t think you should assume that there is a “red thread”, marketing is usually flexible and changeable which can seem ill-conceived when viewed over time.

That’s a bit of a bummer after reading the new cable deal to then find out (as usual) it’s for UK customers only. Why, why can’t we all get the same opportunity. We get inferior power cables and now get hammered when we upgrade.


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