New classic XLR cable(s) dilemma

Do the Naim NC XLR-XLR cables for NC250 have a collar on with a number?

I’ve have been using a pair plus a legacy ‘no. 6’ cables with a NAP300DR (with a NSC222).

The cables are all but indistinguishable, one set is longer by 30cm!

No answer found on compatibility chart or a search of the forum.
Hopefully an NC user can look at their cables and advise.

My understanding is that the NC XLR’s are fully balanced, but earlier Naim XLR’s (250, 135, 300, etc) are single ended.

This may affect the cables for each, I believe.

It’s entirely possible they are made for Naim rather than by Naim. The tag with number indicates who made it at the factory. Perhaps these aren’t?

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Robert the tag number on one set - has the same number except for the very last number, which is increased by one for the right channel.
I may have to ask my excellent dealer Paul at HFL to ask the factory.
I don’t think I will be the last to be confused.
What is surprising is that only one set has a collar; both sets look identical!

Ah misunderstood maybe it’s the part number. With/without collar seems a little odd though.

I have the same special connection cables to connect the NSC222 with my NAP300 DR…

Both have the same length…
03-003-409 Left
03-003-410 Right

So strange story…

If it an NA-0xx number (eg NA-12), thats the ID of who made it at Salisbury.

Will be under a slightly opaque/white collar.

Not A Part Number.

Those ARE Part Numbers.

exact…, the numbers I noted are written on the cables “under a slightly opaque/white collar.”


Jurgen many, many thanks for your post.
Indeed one set is with the numbers you stated; the length is shorter than the out of the box NC cables!
The “legacy set” is number ‘6’ on the compatibility chart - a pair, with Naim
part number 00-010-0248
So three numbers for one set of NC to legacy cables!

It would seem, at this stage, that the NC XLR-XLR cable supplied as standard with NC250 - has no identifier on the cable.

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Now that… seems odd. Perhaps made ‘for’ Naim, rather than by Naim…?

Robert, of course the collar is not in the traditional Naim sense, a band for direction, since the two NC cables are coloured at the plugs. I’m sure you are aware of this, just commented to highlight the difference with NC i/c going forward. Knitting and a certain food dish springs to mind!

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Jip, hopefully everything clear now!

Have a nice day!

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