New Dyson headphones and other ANC over ear headphones

What do people think about Dyson’s move into headphones with ANC? Or other over-the-ear headphones with ANC for that matter.

I have earbuds without noise cancelling and have never felt the need for it. Friends tell me I do but I prefer that I still can hear some of the noises around me, especially louder ones like car engines and horns, bicycle bells etc.

I can’t see myself buying them but others might feel differently and I would be interested to read people’s views for and against this type of headphone and what this new product might add to the choice of available models.

I think Dyson will clean up.


They will be made largely of brightly coloured plastic and a critical bit will break just outside the warranty period. You will be able to buy the part expensively from Dyson or cheaply on eBay but somehow they will never be the same and you will end up buying the new model which must be good, given how expensive it will be…


They will come with three settings running listening time.

MP3 quality: 60mins
CD quality : 30mins
HiRes quality 15min

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They’ll sound congested.

They’ll suck.


Of course that’s when new - after 6 months, you better half that time :wink:

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To properly answer your question, I think it all depends on where you would wear them. You certainly shouldn’t wear them in the car when driving, but you might find a benefit as a passenger.
You probably shouldn’t use them when walking the streets and crossing roads, but then again, with EV’s you cant always hear them coming.
My Apple pod pros are decent enough and do make the listening experience better. They automatically come out of Noise Cancellation when someone speaks to you. I might struggle to hear the door bell though. Because background noise is reduced, the result is that you turn the volume down a bit, and thats a big benefit in protecting your ears

I’ve recently purchased some Sony headphones with ANC.

They are for home use and I was really impressed with the function whilst listening in the garden.

They blocked out all the traffic noise and made my time in the garden very enjoyable.

As for Dyson I’ve destroyed two or three cleaners but my Sebo continues to work without fault. Style over substance for me.


I agree I think Dyson vacuum cleaners are the most overrated expensive piece of plastic I’ve had about 4 and they never last.


I hope that Dyson voiced the ANC against their vacuum cleaners.

That way I can listen to music when Mrs R does the cleaning.


Appreciate this is a headphone thread but I thought I’d make a stand for Dyson vacuum cleaners! I bought one years ago (v8?) with little expectation it would last more than a day past it’s warranty expiration. Never once had a problem with it other than the battery was too small for the task at hand. It was replaced/ replenished by a v11 which I still have and regularly use without any problems at all. My new home has one of those vacuum systems with sockets all round the house but I find the Dyson more convenient and significantly better at removing dirt from all surfaces. I remain baffled why Dyson seems to have a bit of a flakey reputation - not my experience at all. When it comes to headphones, I’ll stick with what I know for now - not Dyson!


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Our Dyson has lasted about 15 years without a problem. Given how, erm, sturdily our cleaner seems to handle things, I reckon it’s done especially well.


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I had the original DC1 from mid 90’s, and finally it broke last year around the handle, but that’s because I was incorrectly lifting it by the top handle rather than the bin handle. I did change the chord 3 times though
I’ve has a wireless one DC59 for 10 years. I did swap the battery for a beefier one, but still going strong. The Boost feature only seems to last 10 secs before cutting out now

What a noise about a few Dyson products!

Look at it pragmatically: if the headphones suck, and the vacuumcleaners make noise, why not swap them?! Just use the headphones for cleaning and the vacuumcleaner for music: it’ll sound better than most music anyhow.

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Wait for football playing male grandchildren and come back here to report :slight_smile:

If you’re suggesting they’re going to use the vacuum cleaner, I look forward to it!

Perhaps the headphones also suck out your ear-wax for best working conditions :face_vomiting:

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