New firmware update

How do we do that?

You need to email Naim HQ. Iā€™ll post in the beta forum that you are interested and also suggest they call for more testers.

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HH, you said ā€œbeta testers are able to revert to the old firmwareā€ā€¦

Why just beta testers? Why not everybody else who wants to? :thinking:

Whilst I fully understand the frustration expressed by those whoā€™ve had problems I think Naim should be cut some slack. Naim do not have the resources available of Apple or Microsoft and even they get it wrong sometimes. I do understand the amount people have spent on their systems and the resultant expectation levels. We have to understand we are investing in a niche brand. The compromise for fantastic audio is occasional frustration for some. For most itā€™s more than worth it.

The IT world is very complex. The products have to offer as much connectivity as possible. On my nova I can play music from Qobuz, tidal, nas drive, usb, internet radio, airplay, chrome cast, room, etc. Each option with its own software services. Throw in the multitude of home network configurations possible which are endless. Itā€™s no wonder some people have problems.

Itā€™s clear Naim could help themselves with better release notes and some basic steps to try if it goes wrong. Maybe they could get more help from the dealer network by including them more in the process.


Send an email to explaining you would like to join the beta group and listing the Naim streaming/serving kit you are using.

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I believe officially released and installed Fw canā€™t be reverted as itā€™s likely something imposed by tech partners. Using older Fw and they cannot assure that they will work properly.

I donā€™t recall saying that. Itā€™s occasionally been necessary in beta when a new version doesnā€™t work. Itā€™s certainly not a case of one rule for usā€¦

Donā€™t worry, I know exactly how it works and have been involved in massive IT implementations in my time. Iā€™m not going to defend or attack Naim. I donā€™t use the new platform but as an outsider looking objectively at whatā€™s been written in this thread itā€™s very clear that things could and should be better.

Itā€™s worth remembering that there are lots of people who read the forum and donā€™t post. It would be a real shame if people get the impression that the software might be flaky. I read a review of the Uniti something the other day and there was something about reading on social media that the app was poor. Naim need happy customers not disgruntled ones.



A good solution for that is not to release firmware that changes the sonic signature away from what the purchaser originally heard when auditioning. Just like with Ethernet cables or whatever one persons ā€˜betterā€™ is not a one size fits all scenario, there needs to be consistency.


as an android user and beta-tester it would be great if a few more android users joined the beta testing group - we sometimes feel like a very small band checking a version of the app that has in the past got a lot of stick

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I think itā€™s worth clarifying that itā€™s only the current production release version of firmware which beta testers can revert to, not an old or previous version.

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I donā€™t entirely agree with that. The sound of the 272 was significantly improved though firmware updates over its lifecycle. The trick is to ensure consensus on what constitutes an improvement. It would be wholly negative to rule out performance improvements.


Iā€™ve posted in the beta thread. I suggest you add that thought to my post so those running the program will see it.


Yes thatā€™s fair enough, possibly Iā€™m the odd man out here and the FW just does not suit my system / ears, itā€™s just annoying that itā€™s a take it or leave it situation and Iā€™ve no option other then put up with it or move away, itā€™s very possible I guess that the latest ā€˜Naim soundā€™ is no longer to my liking. Iā€™ll happily give it more time and maybe some cognitive fairies will work their magic and Iā€™ll be happy again!

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I understand that of course. Everything is fine and dandy if you like the ā€˜improvementā€™, but if you donā€™tā€¦


posted to beta thread


ā€˜morninā€™ HH, as I recall back when we were testing the ND series & 272 firmware we did in most cases reach a consensus on the firmware SQ changes despite that with some changes they did get into some disagreements, mostly these were NDX vs NDS if I recall. But I have to say Naim reacted very positively to our suggestions
And it seems we had a lot more inter-active reporting back on the beta posts in those days, plus I get the impression there was more of us in the beta team than Iā€™m reading with the new platforms.

To be clear - this is true between the last public Release version of Firmware - and the present Beta Firmware being tested.

You canā€™t hop between particular versions of Beta you happened perhaps to particularly like - it is the Release version everyone here has - or the present Beta being tested. This is sufficient and I fully-understand why Naim do it this way - so that Developers know what Beta people are using and can move it forward as they identify and fix problems reported.

There were 14 Beta Firmware versions before this release, so a lot of iterations and updates - but at any stage I could switch-back to the old formal Release version, so that was very reassuring - potential new testers should be reassured IMO by this.

Other than being a bog-standard tester who rather myopically and selfishly tests what he considers important for himself - I have recieved very good support from the Beta test team - polite and very helpful.
Even a deep-dive one-on-one to solve a minor to medium Melco issue I had - which was resolved in this release.

Be aware that there are two items always in test: the equipment Firmware and the control App software.

People should get involved - if they think they can handle it and want to help.
It is even at times ā€˜funā€™. :upside_down_face: