New from Naim – Solstice Special Edition turntable

I take it you’ve had no teething trouble with your Solstice Cohen1263?

Not as such. But I was hoping for a sound that was clearly better than my ND555 and it wasn’t. Different but on a par I’d say in SE guise.

I’m expecting, this coming week, my IC to be returned to me after having the Din changed from 5 to 4 pin so I can use with my Supercap / Superline into S1. I will report back as and when.


Is that a realistic hope?

I do find a lot of similarities in presentation between the ND555 and Solstice tt, but I hesitate to go further trying to compare the two towards a “better” comparison. I just find digital and vinyl too different to compare as such; too much apples vs. oranges.

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Like I wrote they are different but on a par.

I feel that my hope was based on previous experiences of vinyl v digital. Vinyl had always been superior. But IMO the ND555 with “ belts and braces” set up is a superb device.

I’ve had an recent uplift in sound quality which could be the 808’s at the seven week burn in point or the S1 at eleven weeks. But which or whatever, yesterday I enjoyed the best sound quality that I’ve ever experienced in my home and it was via streaming.


Arrived and assembled everything perfect. Beatiful bass now deserves quality vinyl


The solstice power supply is moved to the opposite side usually from the photos it is near the turntable. I believe it does not affect. True

After a rather long wait , my Solstice has arrived :grinning:

I decided to go all CB for the initial set up ( which I am very familiar with ) to get a sense of what this deck is all about. Obviously, not ideal placement in my room but it’s a start!
Very happy that all the boxes turned on and music is playing…


That looks fantastic. The CB kit just looks so good in combination with the Solstice setup.
Enjoy :+1:


Don’t trip over that rug whatever you do.


What a great setup Mark. Tremendous idea to try the Solstice “old school” style.



What a great looking setup.


Looks amazing…cool set up!!!


CB is still the best looking Naim kit IMO. :sunglasses::ok_hand:t5:


I had CB stuff in the past…loved the look…functional, discrete, tasteful. NO bling.

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Thanks all…
The CB amps will provide me a “known” platform to try/test some changes to the Solstice package. Cartridge, phono stage, Tone arm cable and IC will all be auditioned in due time.
I want to put some hours on the stock package to get a baseline and then the fun will begin :grinning:


Fun and improvements no doubt. Prepare for a shock at just how much can be wrought from the deck and arm.

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Looks very good indeed in situ! :slight_smile:

I think the Solstice and associated power & phono casework look far more harmonious with the chrome bumper boxes than they do with the current classic range.


Gorgeous set-up.
Hope you enjoy the Solstice.
I’m three weeks in and it’s getting better by the day. I’m finding the standard SSE edition amazing so I can’t imagine how it would sound with tweaks.



Please forgive the quote from Bad Boys, but I think as far as this thread goes, “sh!t just got real.” Looks fantastic!


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Is anyone else here waiting on a Solstice to get delivered to USA? My dealer is still waiting for a shipping time from Naim/ClearAudio, and they just updated me with the unsurprising news that “They are having many delays with parts and assemblies, they aren’t able to ship anything to anyone yet. We will keep contacting them once every couple of weeks to make sure that nothing else has changed and things are still progressing.”

My patience continues…