New from Naim – Solstice Special Edition turntable

Hey, I was quite confident. Only problem was when I tried to spin a record the needle hovered about 3cm Obote the record! At that point the ultra scientific weight mitigation compound (AKA blutac) came out :rofl:

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Spot 0n. It’s a real shame isn’t it? So unusual for Naim to get something so wrong.


I have been a Naim customer for over 30 years and this is the first time i’ve seen something like this. For sure some products are successful and others are not…but with Naim i actually really liked some of the ones that didn’t succeed (eg the NBL speakers). But i have never seen something screwy like this in all that time. Beyond a shame.

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Do you feel that the Solstice package sounds better than your current LP12 Jas? Your LP12 looks like a nice set up. Nice amp also. I spent many an hour happily listening to a similar spec deck with 32.5/hicap/250 driving a pair of Linn Saras. It was 35 years ago

Cohen very good question. Didn’t sit down and really compare…my Linn is mid level updated but with an Aro1 vs a Linn tonearm. What i got from the Solstice was a bit more of the Naim sound. Just amazing Prat. The Linn has it too but the Solstice may somehow have done it one step better…never heard anything beat a Linn at that game…but hard to be sure without spending more time and doing an actual comparison.

Here’s what is so funny. I was never intending to replace my Linn. I never will. I was willing to buy the Solstice just to have fun. I have one open input on my preamp to plug it into, i have lots of lps, and i was just going to have a blast with these two great tables. It’s a hobby …you only live once…and i was going to just play it out.

But i don’t want this aggro with the cartridge issue. First world problem. I’ll live.

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Not if you use the blu-tac to attach a @Richard.Dane bobblehead to go for the ride.

And it might make up that 3cm deficit.

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Interesting Jas. There have been times over the past 18 months when I’ve thought about selling the Solstice then I put on something like Peter Green’s album “In the Skies” . Playing my favourite track “A Fool No More” has to be heard on my tricked up expensive contraption :grin: My dealer sent me the latest SME 12 over which sounded really good with some music but on albums like Green’s? no comparison. PRAT and emotion in spades from the Naim.

I have compared with LP12 Klimax and prefer mine but with ARO instead of Ekos and XV1t bolted on I suspect that they’ll be not much in it either way.

Yes Prat and emotion. Agree. Naim really did it, amazing accomplishment, but they just couldn’t close the deal.


Cohen just looked up your system as well and wow looks near top tier on everything. Your souped up Solstice was worth the aggro in that caliber of system.

Just fyi i just updated my profile system info…big changes were added Rel subwoofe s510…finally someone made a subwoofer fast enough for the Quads. Also Chord Mojo battery quit on me so i replaced with Questyle Cma 15 Dac. It is terrific.

All the best enjoying the Solstice.

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Better ways to think about this:
Solstice package has a limited lifespan
Someone will produce a cartridge that happens to fit the niche
…but, please…adding weight to the headshel?
pretending that adding washers to the cartridge mounting resolved height issue but also in someway benefits the sound? Adding extra magnets?
This is just brand loyalty gone bonkers.

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Not sure someone will produce a cart in the sweet spot on price that matches this turntable re weight. Too small an auduence i think.
Re the spacers and weights my brain says you are right and this recommendation is BS. But the forum folks are right JasonG seems to be a fantastic guy and i have to say i don’t think or want to think he would risk his credibility on this so i give the benefit of the doubt. But just barely as i indicated.


Extra magnets?

JLewis i do not really understand the magnet issue. It sounds like the antiskate has a narrow range and if you need more with a different cart you have to add it via buying some extra magnet from Amazon. I don’t know it sounds goofy to me but this is more a topic for someone who has done it to explain.

You are right…the physics is all wrong.
It sounds like the supplied magnet is simplt not strong enough per se, nothing to do with the weight of the cartridge.

Please do explain why adding weight to the head shell is such a terrible idea

I have no desire to go down that alley again. If adding 6g of weight to the headshell works for you then great enjoy it! I prefer a turntable that works correctly to begin with without messing around with these kind of solutions. I don’t like hacks to fix problems that never should have existed to begin with…for turntables or anything else for that matter!


Especially for something so expensive.

One of the most LEGENDARY albums of all time (and also my favorite track together with Slabo Day).

Amazing back story to the album with Green returning back from the wilderness after all those years.

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