New from Naim – Solstice Special Edition turntable


Ok i think it is obvious and duplicative but since you asked…

Proper counterweight(s)so that the carts Naim users frequently use that i listed that are in the circa 8g range specified in the documentation work.
Proper magnets so that these carts work.
Whatever the issue with the pins is fix it.
Or alternatively create language on the package and required to be delivered by dealers to potential purchasers similar to what i provided above that make it clear that although the product says it can be used with other carts in fact the product cannot be used with most carts and while it can be used with some heavy and mostly expensive ones it requires user customization to do so.
Or guarantee Equinox availability for 10 years at a price point you announce and only increases by inflation rate. At least then the buyer knows he can play the damn thing without going bankrupt or taking out his erector set, paper clips, blutac, spacers, extra weight screws, magnets, etc.

I could continue but come on the question is quite silly after all the info in this thread.

For the poster who said i don’t even own the table…you miss the point…i am speaking from the perspective of an interested buyer.


Peter. That’s probably why the underside of the ARO2 headshell causes a restriction to the top inner (white) XV1t pin when trying to set the geometry. The copper washers got over that. Great work on my friends new LP12 by the way both he and his wife were very impressed with your workmanship and you generally as a dealer.



I hope that Solstice owners will get a similar satisfactory solution to these niggling problems.

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I doubt that as we don’t have a Peter Swain to liase with the manufacturer.

Yep, sounds familiar… + thanks :slight_smile:


I certainly hope so. I’d feel pretty cheesed off if I’d paid all that money, and was being plagued by niggles.

Which Solstice owners on here are saying they are being plagued by niggles Graham? I stopped reading the thread for a while as it seemed to be on loop, I skimmed it again recently and haven’t seen any owners complaining. Can you point me to the posts so I can catch up properly?

OK thanks. So as it stands the Solstice is not broken or in need of “fixing”, it’s just that the ARO2 is not that accommodating of anyone wanting to use a different cartridge to the one supplied (Equinox). To do so requires some effort and even then it’s limited by only having the one counterweight. Would that be a fair summary?


Richard no. There is more than the counterweight as my post indicates. In my view the Solstice is broken because it was positioned as flexible to support other carts and it doesn’t. The benefit proposed is not provided. I have not seen a single post where anyone has been able get another cart to work without mods. This product out of box supports exactly one cart; and that cart is not an official product with a price or known availability. This is broken and needs to be fixed.

So you’re saying that no other cartridge works on the ARO2 as it’s supplied on the Solstice? You know this for certain?

The original ARO was pretty restrictive on what would work with it, but if what you’re saying is true then the ARO2 is more than following suit - it’s would certainly be a problem then.

I’m not sure how many owners have experimented yet - most are still likely using the supplied Equinox, but I’m sure some dealers may have tried out other carts? Perhaps Peter @Cymbiosis ?

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They aren’t niggles Graham. It functions perfectly well as a package. But unlike your LP12 upgrading it needs some fettling. Once we do that it can sound terrific. But I will be honest. I advised my friend (who’s new LP12 I posted pics of) to listen to a Peter Swain set up LP12/ARO. You and he have decks that have stood the test of time sound and reliability wise and in Peter you have a dealer who you can 100% trust to set it up perfectly and overcome any issues that may arise.

Richard no i have not purchased a $100,000 collection of carts to try and find one that work with the Solstice without mods, so i do not know for a fact whether i might find a needle in a haystack that works with the Solstice without such mods. What i do know is not one single person has found one yet, on a turntable that advocates cart compatibility as a benefit.

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Also would like to add i do not agree that Aro1 is restrictive in terms of carts. I have had an Aro1 for over 30 years and have used or seen it used with several Dynas, Linns, Lyras, and others. If the Aro2 supported the range of carts Aro1 supports this entire discussion would never have happened.

You know this for certain?

Jas. I appreciate your frustration but I got over the issues with DVXVt install with a few tweaks only.

Richard i have not interviewed every dealer and user of the Solstice. To acquiese to your legalize question i will restate…nobody has REPORTED finding any other cart that works with the Solstice without mods.

Does that work for you?

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Cohen yes your journey is well documented, and as i have said i commend you on what must now be a spectacular table. That cart is in a different and vastly more expensive class than the Equinox however.

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How many users have reported that they have looked to change the cartridge Jas? I’m trying to get a feel for the scale of the issue and the only one I’ve seen is posting here who succeeded.

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Fair enough Jas

Yes me thinks there are exagerations going on here.