New from Naim – Solstice Special Edition turntable

Well in my case it is neither a Linn Fan Boy or Wind Up Merchant. It is a potential purchaser. And the ‘noise’ amounts to asking why a turntable positioned to allow cart flexibility in point of fact does not actually do so. I have never questioned the overall high quality and sound; in fact i have commended both.

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Or a user of irregular capitalisation.

You have stated on a number of occasions that you are not going to buy one

To be clear I have stated i wouldn’t buy one if the issues are not addressed.

As it’s no longer in production there’s not much chance of that Jas

They are not going to be addressed because

A) the issues are blown out of all proportion in your head and are no worse than rega not offering VTA adjustment etc
B) it is a limited edition and Naim have sold them all

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Actually Cohen there are plenty still in stock. Just sitting there. I checked around. I could buy it today if i want. But i will not even at half price as currently configured re cart support. It’s no biggie, first world problem, as someone pointed out nobody died it’s just hifi.

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Wrong you are, as all we are.

Ryder the problems are factual and not in my head. Many others on the thread agree. Rega provides spacers if you want to try other carts. Naim makes no accomodation here despite saying that cart flexibility is a key feature. Facts.

Well, that would be rather retrograde.
Bit like saying a Ford Cortina with upgraded engine, suspension and gearbox is a better car than a modern Porsche.
It’s all about engineering

You are just trolling now so I am going to bow out. I hope you find a tt you enjoy as much as I enjoy my perfectly functional solstice

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So why do you keep blowing off about it? The situation is at it is, and will not change now or in the future.

Either you buy the Solstice now, knowing of the limited ability to change cartridges.

Or you don’t.

It really is not a big deal - outside your mindset!


I’m an engineer.

Not all sold true but it’s not being made anymore so modifications to current spec aren’t going to happen. Not by Naim or Clearaudio. Let’s face it I had to come up with the counterweight and anti skate solutions myself. It’s a take it or leave it (as is) product now for all interested.

I do not know which of these back and forth comments are addressed to me or other posters…it is kind of confusing. Happy to respond with facts to any question addressed to me.

Cohen i agree with you Naim is not interested in changes so it is a take it or leave it situation.

Honestly Nigel, not necessary mate.

I do agree with you when you say that Naim missed a trick here. It’s good sounding as a package but not great. It can be great but it wasn’t designed to facilitate what’s needed to create that without some improvising. The marketing decisions aren’t made by the same people who ran Naim 20 years ago. The good news is there are plenty of great turntables to choose from these days. The latest SME’s for example (with the improved power supplies) are built to last and aren’t nice but boring sounding like they were before. Your LP12 is no slouch either. Etc etc. Happy listening :+1:

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Cohen yes of course…in addition Clearaudio, Dohmann, and many others. These are in many ways golden times to buy a table.

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Spot on Jas

One of my initial reactions to Solstice music was that it was much more ND555-like than my P10. Many might read that as a criticism (it sounds more digital??) but it’s a big compliment the way I intend it. It’s SUPER musical.

And I’m spoilt as I have quite a few brand new very high quality lp’s that are totally free of surface noise.