New NAC282 question

I had a look and did not see the information

…yes, as mentioned above in the thread he appears to have removed his system profile information.

That’s very high capacitance. This is what Naim recommends. My Oephi cables are 6pF/m and 0.5uH/m.

Capacitance: 16pF per metre Resistance: 9 milliohms per metre Inductance: 1uH per metre

You should ensure that the cable is low capacitance and of moderate inductance. High capacitance &/or very low inductance cables are to be avoided at all costs and may result in damage to your amplifier.

I use NAC A5 as recommended by Naim. Their products were designed as such and to me it makes sense to keep it as designed.

But this is the cable the OP is using.

I looked up and posted the specs to see if this could be part of the problems.

Stated his dealer recommended them.


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