New Naim & Focal what?

The new units seems more evolution than revolution from what I could read. The Naim-tone should still be there. So far its the 272-replacement as I wanted it.

I’ve already spent more than I ever planned and unless something happens (lotto inheritances etc) I can’t see any of this bothering me. However I’ve learned that you should never say never. :grin:


Yes and it was needed, their opposition has been all over that since the dismiss of the 272.


You maybe right I’m not nice so I have no reference to compare it with.

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The problem as I see it with many existing Classic components is that they’re individually darned expensive for most people but there was a hierarchy and upgrade path. If certain products are discontinued that expensive journey may no longer be possible. Do you go pre-loved, do you sell decent Classic/Olive/CB items to get the best from a new platform due to incompatibilities? Hardly unique to hi-fi let alone Naim.

Ultimately it’ll be fascinating to see how all the new stuff sounds as what on paper may see less might actually be improved (so will a new NAP 250 with a PSU option sound better than a 300DR - I suspect not, but who knows?).

Yes, hopefully that gap in the product line has been filled.

I suppose that will play out similarly to the transition from Olive to Classic, and the one from CB to Olive before that.

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Maybe the 250 with PS option might replace the 300 eventually.

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I hope so, but I’m not sure it’ll be quite the same, but we’ll have to wait to see specs and backward compatibility. I’d imagine main connectivity will be the same or at least fixable with appropriate (costly) interconnects but given the large variety of Naim PSUs which are not all compatible that could be a stumbling block.

There is supposedly a new PSU for the pre but with 2 burndies, so unless there are blanking plugs/options I assume that replacing my Nova/282/Supercap DR for the new-pre might require a completely different PSU , so that’ll potentially mean I spent £5000 for a stepping stone to a 252 which can not be used with a new Classic product. If 252 not discontinued all well and good.

Or maybe now?

It all boils down to costs, and if a new 250 with PS costs the same as a 300DR, unless performance is better :thinking:

If the performance is very similar and price points sensible however you could maybe get a 250 and more palatably upgrade later to near 300DR performance by adding a PSU which is not an option for current 250DR or older variants. Interesting.

I’ve heard €7,000 per box.

I think the 250 and the power supply just look the same with the power supply for the NSC 222 (as an option, like for the NDX2).

Maybe Naim should publish some kind of roadmap for the future of classic so current customers can plan and know what of the current boxes are end-of-lined.

But for downsizers it looks fine. Add a Melco/Core/Innuos/Nucleus and a 4-level Fraim and you are all set :slight_smile:

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Tend to agree, as ultimately wanting a 252 my Supercap DR under-utilised on the 282 may not work with revamped products. An expensive dead-end upgrade potentially though I have other ideas if that’s the case…

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Older 250s would not have had a PSU though (probably misunderstanding) and unless I’m wrong I’ve interpreted both the new 250 and NSC 222 as being able to be upgraded with a PSU (one each I assume).


Is that Euros?

Or maybe the new 250 can power the NSC 222, like how the NAP 200 could power the NAC 200?

Yes, that is what I read, so NZ$15k by the time it gets down under. Should hold the used prices up.

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That would be quite nice and would reduce box count until you wanted to upgrade.