New Naim - Pure Speculation

Maybe they can, but will customers forget ?
Perhaps are you asking for a Supernova.?

To my knowledge the new Classic 300 already have more than a handfull of boxes if getting them all ?

I just hope the laws of physics can forget the past and come up to date.


you seem to know a lot! I am not sure that reality totally agree, otherwise why release the 300. There is a market for almost everything one box highend gear, active systems, and multi box systems.

Thanks for letting us all know what we want… :roll_eyes:

The fact is that many here run systems with under 6 boxes and know it sounds really great.

Naim have listened - NAC 332 preamp has a built in power supply, as does the NSC 222.

Adding an extra power supply at a later date, is now a wider system option if you feel the need.


I’ve often dreamed of a one-box uniti-Statement. $100K US. Take my money.

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Gonna be one heck of a big box, I would imagine :thinking::grimacing:

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Quite frankly my damn I don’t give a dear :joy:

I generally agree with you. I think the market for stacks of expensive boxes is played out and Naim/Focal understand that. Naim, like other manufacturers have learned you don’t need a separate PS for every box to net improved SQ. I don’t think we’ll see much on the 100 series front. Maybe one or some of a 200 series integrated, streamer, pre. I’d love a 300 streaming pre but that’s not likely in my mind. Maybe a 300 integrated, still doubtful. I think the NC kit that is getting released is deliberate to see what the market response is and will dictate where they go from there (longer term).

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Well talking to a few naim dealers the new stuff isn’t selling very well at all. Maybe people might be waiting for the 300 kit to cone out, or maybe its a sign off the times, and general slow down.

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It’s an extreme economical challenge in most of their big markets. I’m sure this is reflected in sales and with most things right now. It’s also challenging selling second handed. Most things is put on pause. People sit on their money to prioritise paying loans, electric bills and food.


I would bet on one or two boxes, NOT four.

I have to believe that Naim understanding the 8-10 box systems suffer in the marketplace.

Statement is 2 big boxes. NC 500 could be 2 not-quite-as-big boxes. Or 1-box pre and 2 mono blocks at the most. Unless Naim have learned that the Statement configuration doesn’t work, I’d think (and hope) they’d stick with that format.

At the 500 price level, I would vote that they make the pre as good as it can be in 1 box, and not offer it up with an external power source to make it as good as it can be.

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My understanding (which extends beyond hi fi) is that many consumers have taken a pause from the past 3 years of significant consumerism spending during covid. Much of those purchases were made already if the consumers had the funds.


It’s all got very expensive over the last few years. That’s for certain.
Also much cheaper gear has got much better, and drawn much closer to the mid range gear, and even some higher end gear.
Will certainly be interested to see how things go over the next few years, i feel it’s going to be a tough sell for most.

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I don’t know. Maybe most people are just satisfied with “lesser” systems that when setup properly in the right room, perform really well and are very enjoyable. I don’t make such a statement lightly without hearing from other people by the way. Also my own experiences as well.

Of course the economic downturn where people think they can define ridiculous price tags for sure has something to do with it as well. Even other brands, some that started reasonable, but it looks like greed has set in

The high end hifi market has been trending down for years. The market is aging out. I expect this is why we’re seeing Naim’s shift in product offering. I think the new kit is still a good value from a historical perspective as you’re able to achieve better SQ with fewer boxes.

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I would be amazed. I thought that the cassette - as a medium - was absolutely dead. Are pre-recorded cassette tapes even still sold these days?


So…the way of the future seems to be small-small music playing systems but mahoosive room-dominating televisions… Hmmm.

Yes because essentially everyone watches video (whatever we call it…movies, streaming, tv, cable, YouTube, etc etc etc), fewer people listen to music but do so via ear buds and Spotify, and a very small fraction care about mid to high quality music reproduction in their home.


The eye is so easily held in thrall by colours and movement, content is secondary.

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Strange as its rather cheap affordable eh ! :laughing: