New Naim - Pure Speculation

There’s been a lot of speculation recently about the impending release of the 300 series ‘into the wild’ as it were, so it got me thinking about what else might be coming. Now let me be clear, this is pure speculation on my part (hence the thread title), I have absolutely no connection to Naim and no definite information about anything new that is due!
However, I can’t help thinking about the possibilities, so here’s how I think it could go:

100 series (£2.5-3k per item)
Thinking maybe a streamer to replace the ND5 XS2 (NSS111?) and and integrated amplifier (NSAN1xx?) for this series, plus a power supply to replace the Flatcap/HiCap type products (NPX100?). As signalled by the NPX300, I think we may have seen the last of specific PSUs for sources and pre-amps, and that all future power supplies here will be capable of powering numerous items across different ranges.
I would like to think that this series may also be a shoebox design as signalled by the NPX TT (HiCap replacement too?)
One other thought was that the Atom HE could be rebadged as 100series and they could introduce a power amp in the same format. Might be interesting :thinking:

200 series (£4-6k per item)
Obviously we already have the NSC222 and NC250, but I could maybe see space for a dedicated pre-amp here (NAC221?). I did wonder about a power supply too, but I have discounted that in my mind as it would have logically been released with the NSC222 and NC250 instead of the NPX300, but you never know. Finally, I’d be surprised if we didn’t see a SN3 replacement in this series, price wise I think it would fit (NAN2xx?)

300 series(£5-12k per ‘item’)
We know about the NSS333, NAC332, NPX300 and NAP350 amps, plus the NVC331 phono stage. I think there is an outside chance that the 300 series would see a ‘Super’ integrated amp, but I’m not personally sure it will happen tbh, despite the fact that I know a few of you would like it to happen.

500 series (£20-35k per item maybe?)
I refuse to believe that this won’t happen at some point! It would make sense to keep everything on brand, but the possibilities are interesting. Maybe a separate Streaming Transport (NST555?) and DAC (NDD5xx?) would be interesting, I’ve long thought that separating the two technologies is a good idea.
Presume we’ll also see a Pre-amp (NAC55x?) and power amp or amps (big pair of beasty Monos would be awesome!)
Again, I’d be surprised if we didn’t see an NPX500 too!

Statement (£ I don’t even wanna know!)
Introduction of a streamer maybe, otherwise not sure here as it pretty much lead the way design wise.

Anyway, as I said, it’s all just my own personal thoughts, but I thought it might be interesting to see what you all thought too!

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The uniti “one box” range has existed for a long time, and I would imagine the market need is still strong.
So any future range would need to have an all in one streamer/amp.
It’s very easy to imagine a 100 series continuing now we have the nait50 form factor as a new 2023 product. Nait legacy range. Nait 50 morphs into 100 integrated, nd5/atom streamer morphs into 100 streamer. 100 cap? Maybe.

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I know many on here, me included, want a raft of new kit. I don’t think it will materialise. I suspect Naim are serious about rationalising the range.

I think the 200 series is done.

I think we’ve seen the totality of the 300 series too.

I think we’ll get a new Supernait.

I don’t know what XS replacement we might get. I would like to see a new integrated and streamer at that price point, shoebox or full width.

No new PSUs.

No idea about the 500 series, it’s so far above my budget point it actually exceeds my ability to play fantasy HiFi purchase games :wink:


I think the statement is done although it would be nice to see a streamer built in to one or other of the boxes. The three boxes look awesome as they are, would be a shame to sully them. With another box. I’ll never own them but they are nice to look at.

If a new integrated is released it will need a streamer as currently the only nc separate streamer is the 333 which is a touch expensive if the the integrated is less than £5000.

From a purely value for money perspective I’d love a 100 series I would be especially interested in how a 100 power supply would compare to the hicap and xps dr.

But I do think that in reality the new Naim range is going to remain stripped back to the following:
Muso speakers
Uniti products
as yet unknown integrated and matching streamer
200 series as is currently known
300 series as is currently known
500 series

Like others I can’t imagine 500 series and statement upgrades

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My reliable Naim dealer says think of the new 300 as a “replacement” for the 135s.

From a pure business point of view, less actual models or units makes sense, for Naim.

Built More, Of Less. More integration of functions - so Streaming Pre amps and multifuntional PSU’s.

The first aim of any business is to survive. I am sure we want Naim to do that.


I just love speculation related guess.

Next in Naim changes are Uniti’s and Nait range.

Nait 100 based on Nait 50 with more power and a bit cheaper, as its not limited.
Looks might be half width++
semi-made boards on automatic machinery in Far East, final assembly and test in Europe.

There won’t be more Clearaudio Solstice projects.

Naim will be ready for upcoming CD revival, a frontloader new classic CD200 player, priced £K6 with PSU option of course.

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I do agree, be nice to see an updated ND5 XS2, particularly as so many seem to upgrade the DAC section. But I also wonder how much work Naim’ll put into their current general DAC designs, anticipating a shift to a different approach in the years to come?

I wonder (hey, speculation is the name of the thread!) if there are some common price points being established now? And suspect/fear any new Supernait will be the same price as the NC 200 series boxes, £5699. A NAIT 200? At which point I still think it’s awkwardly priced between ND5 XS2/or its replacement, and the NSS333. Having no standalone streaming source below the NSS333 does seem to be a big NC gap even in a rationalised range.

With apologies to the ND5 XS2 and NDX2, both of which are still in production :slight_smile:

SuperNAIT is typically paired with NDX2, so assuming that NSS333 is the natural successor of the NDX2, that should do for matching the future NAIT 300 (or 200?).

Steve Sells mentioned that NPX300 has been designed to be compatible with all full-width items going forward. And as NAIM moves towards simplification and integration, I don’t expect any NPX200 or 100 ever. But an NPX500 (fully compatible with 300 in terms of cabling) should arrive at some point!

100 series is a tricky one, as it starts overlapping with Uniti in terms of price/integration. But there is space for it to replace both si and XS series. So I would hope/expect that we see a NSS111 and NAIT100 at some point, both shoebox-size. It would be nice if one NPX300 could upgrade both devices (digital for NSS and analogue for NAIT), but I don’t think that it is technically possible (NSS also contains an “analogue” part). So no power upgrades for 100. Let’s not forget that the si series and ND5 XS2 are not power-upgradeable either.

I think 100 series is already here and has been for some time with the Uniti stuff, i do think there will be a 200 series integrated amplifier and streamer probs based on the nait 50’s awesome design, its half size so if they can get a streamer into the other half of the case then no problems there. probs have a bit more power than a nait 50.

i dont think we will see any hicap half sized psu’s, this would be going back to various psu’s which they wanted to do away with. i also think that the 500 series psu will be different to the 300 series and wont be cross compatible. like the 552 psu now

300 series done, 500 series i think will be monos but with external psus, same for pre and same for the streamer. as we know taking the psu out of the box is the best way but always takes way more setting up. its all good fun to speculate on this stuff

The NAP 500 and NAC 552 both predate the 200- and 300-series (old) classic ranges that have already been replaced. So, it’s not a huge leap of the imagination to assume that a New Classic (NC) 500 series of components will be announced fairly soon.

Anyone willing to bet that the NC NAP 500 will be a pair of two-box monoblocks with each monoblock made up of an amp and an outboard PSU?:grinning:


That’s a 4-box power amp.

Add to that a 2 or 3-box streamer and a 2-box preamp and you have an 8 or 9-box system.

But a significant proportion of the people who can afford such a system will not want that many boxes.


I can imagine a revamped version of the 500 series with the New Classic sonic signature.

I really hope they do something in the 100 line. Its an entry line, and for those who want smaller bookshelf naim audio system. A small power amp The same size and look to aesthetically matching the Atom uniti HE would be great!


I think we’ll see a new shoebox line of electronics. The Nait50 development was not a one-off and will be used to develop a next generation of Nait and matching electronics (some of which already exist NPXTT etc). I hope I’m right, as I think this would be a very cool and successful line of electronics. There’s something about the small form factor that appeals to me. Naim should have stuck with this form factor as it’s part of their “brand”.


Blimey (@NigelB) we haven’t even got the new 300s in the dealers, okay almost, and we want or are at least speculating with regard to the next steps. @Richard.Dane told me, in confidence of course so don’t spread it any further, that the cassette deck is still on the cards. But it’s being re-engineered at Statement level with top loading floating mechanism.


Probably would have to be an upgrade from its predecessor, the 500 series is pretty good dr or not. Could be a while for the replacement imo.

Whilst we’re speculating :joy: can i throw curve ball of support for Matter home automation…

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I just hope naim can forget the past and come up todate.
Going forward people don’t want 6 plus boxes just to stream, they want one great aklin one box.
Yes there are a few that sill think a system must have atleast 13 boxes to sound good, but the reality is, is not needed.
Just design the gear with better power supplies in the first place, and put it in the same box.
I know this method off so called upgrade is how naim like to do it, and it has worked for them for decades, but moving forward the new generation don’t want it, plus with the new power supplies you can get it’s not needed.