New Naim - Pure Speculation

When a power supply costs the same or even more than the unit it’s supplying, then i would certainly look at spending that money on a better unit in the first place, as you will most certainly get bigger gains from doing so.
That’s what i think about the hole power supply madness


not sure about that mate, look at the difference between a 282 and a 252, there are some differences but its mostly a supercap that makes the difference i think

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Well, perhaps those particular dealers aren’t doing a very good job at selling Naim. I had a chat with Pete from Acoustica at the NW audio show back in June and he mentioned that the 200 series had been flying out of the shop since they were introduced just a few months previously.

And having to move part of the production to Slovakia because of hitting capacity limits in Salisbury doesn’t suggest to me that their stuff isn’t selling well.



Just saying what i Was told.
Apparently to start with a lot off interest, but lately not much at all.
As for the Slovakia quote you mentioned, well that’s a completely different question and has nothing to do with what i quoted

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You obviously haven’t listened to a 282/SC DR then a 252 :wink:

One dealer has had used 222/300/250 for £4599 each available on their site for some time (readvertised on Facebook just a few days ago).

Surprised someone hasn’t picked those up.

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I expect there was a back log of people wanting the 272 replacement who have now done that, and we are back to standard trading in a difficult economy. Will likely see a quick burst of sales on the new 300 series too for the same reason.

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Our very man, if I’m not mistaken.

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Which makes it all the more surprising. They are soooooo good but can’t shift used units already……

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I have owned both, still have a 252. they dont sound the same which is my point

Yeah, my anecdotal evidence with some US dealers and customers is the 200 series is selling well. And it looks like there was a price increase recently as well.

Saw that - agree, surprising they haven’t been snapped up. Worrying maybe.

I have never heard the 252 or 282.

But I did listen closely to a 52 and 82 when I was buying my system from Jude Martens and Ray Horn at Grahams HiFi over 30 years ago.

There was a difference, and it was not slight or subtle!

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I suspect Uniti range now outselling Classic SI, XS and maybe SN3

I wonder if there is a SuperNova being trialled , complete with MM phono

If so, I may consider it and a glass of Champagne to accompany it making a Champagne Super Nova

I’ll get my clogs


Yea this is exactly what im saying, never heard a 52/82 but i have quite a bit of experience with 282 and 252, just shows not to under estimate how a psu is implemented. for me a 252 is a whole new world vs 282


One interesting observation I just made: All the discontinued Classic products, appear with their normal website address, i.e.:
However the NAP 100 directs to:
Maybe a sign that there will be a NC NAP 100 coming at some point?

My hope is for a 500 series one box integrated. I have 7 boxes with streaming as my only source. How about a 600 one box with another one box 600 streamer. What I wouldn’t give for 2 boxes. Less cables, less room, and less aggravation; I would change in a minute. I do love the sound of the 500 series but if I had to do it all over, it would not be a 7 box Naim (8 if you count the power distributor). The upgrade path that Naim provides just kept increasing the number of boxes.


I bet your system sounds fantastic into my dream speakers!

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It’s not bad. The K10’s to my ears are much better than my previous Focals, especially at normal listening levels.

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This is what I was thinking early on when people were discussing the possibility of adding 2 NPX300s to an NSC222. Why someone wouldn’t just buy a NAC332, NSS333, and have $5k left towards an NPX300 instead is beyond me.