Service and repair costs are now split, so there is a choice of one or the other (or both at slight reduction.)
All Naim dealers have lists of suggested prices - they should be your first point of call.
No secret. The dealers have guide pricing from Naim. They are your port of call for servicing and they have the guide prices or can get an estimate for you if more complicated than straightforward.
Off the top of my head, in the UK, for a big box service on something like a NAC52 pre-amp or NAP250 power amp, I think the guide price is £400.
Every uk service/repair has to booked in through a dealer, so that is the conversation people should be having. The prices suggested by Naim are just a guideline- a dealer may choose to set a different price, as is their right.
It appears that Naim have no standard service price for end users. They only have a service price for dealers. After that the dealer can charge what they like.
It s up to the end user to shop around the dealers.
I realise that a repair might be a rather variable cost, but surely a service is standard for each piece of Naim kit. Surely then, servicing costs to the end customer can be standardised and published with a built in standard margin for the dealer.
Am I correct that dealers will stick to the published price list for new kit but can charge whet they like for servicing and repair?
My experience is that dealers will adjust their retail prices according to your spend and their overheads, in the normal way. I don’t think Naim operate a strict price policy, rather a suggested retail price.
I have bought enough Naim kit to realise there is some haggling to be done, depending on the relationship you have with a particular dealer and how much you are spending.
The point is that you might get a dealer to budge downwards a little, or they may stick to the published new prices. With servicing and repair, it seems the dealer is at liberty to charge whatever they can get away with, if I understand correctly.