New to Naim

Naim don’t have a monopoly but this is a forum for their products and those that own them primarily. If you have suggestions for alternatives that are comparable you may want to put in a bit more effort to justify your reasoning. Examples might be helpful, also bare in mind that opinions are wildly open to interpretation. Offering opinion from previous ownership helps others as well, I’ve owned a lot of NAIT’s for example, what Naim products have you owned, what system did you put them in, why didn’t you like what you had, what did the alternative you found better or improve upon vs Naim products you owned. You see my point here…


Sorry for the typos, sure you get the message, this website is as awful to edit as the naim gear is rubbish and overpriced

I have read over and over about Naim’s PRaT and musicality and have been curious about it for a long time.

What amp/pre or integrated pieces, whether vintage or newer, is the best affordable piece(s) to showcase the Naim sound?

Absolute sound quality for the money wasn’t the original question though. “Affordable… to showcase the Naim sound” is the question. Which I think most responses were trying to answer

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Hahaha waste of money

Are you a troll? How can you write that Naim is rubbish and overpriced ? Then why join this forum ?


And you own a SuperUniti?

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edward69, a little respect here please. While constructive and coherently argued criticism is fine here, “thread crapping” about Naim on somebody else’s thread is not.

At the same time, you have asked the forum for help with your Superuniti, and I have responded.

If you have issues with your Naim equipment that the forum is unable to assist with then I would strongly advise you to either contact your Naim dealer or Naim support via the support email or phone number.



Bought in 12 years ago, used in the office now and then ie the old garage

And what exactly do you mean by “gfy”?


Some trolls are apparently worse than others, but the common thing is that they never last long…:smirk:


I reckon it would mean ‘go fund yourself’, except for the fund being a slightly different four letter word.

Also, please feel free to remove this post.

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Fear not @Sandals the good (as in positive/useful) contributors far outweights the few with a grudge to bare or axe to grind.
I’m sure collectively we can help to collate a beneficial list of options on your journey in to new hifi delights.
I also overlooked an Atom, I have one also, used in my lounge, that also gives you a really solid digital source integration as a bonus.
Thank you Richard as always for pulling up the guard rails. :+1:t2:


I greatly appreciate Naim’s forum which is generally a civilised place to learn about music and equipment. There is a reasonable latitude to discuss other brands. Thanks @Richard.Dane for your judicious care of the forum.


Exactly @Stokie, being able to make meaningful comparisons is always useful, regardless of manufacturer or brands. What’s often most helpful is hearing from others who have owned previously or currently own specific products, there’s often a close match and some perspective from others that can be helpful for your own system decisions.
I’ve experimented a fair bit over the years and had both the good and bad findings I still find myself dipping in to and sharing, especially where NAIT’s are concerned, as I’ve owned so many over the years.
I had some interesting source and speaker experiments as well, Isoacoustic Gaia’s spring to mind.
There’s also a great system to be had at almost any price point built around Naim sources and amplification, the NAIT XS (I owned version 1 and 2) as a good example are fantastic amps and also work well with a HiCap or as part of an AV setup, I ran one with an Arcam AVR for years and loved it.
The reason I mentioned the NAIT 50 is because it offers a lot of the Naim DNA in a simple compact package. A lot of longterm Naim owners on this forum have very positive feedback from using it with very capable sources like Mid/High level LP12’s or Chord Dave DAC’s as examples.
The speaker recommendations also ring true, Harbeth do vocal/accoustic music very well, ATC I also like a lot and would encourage checking out.
The Olive/Old Classic ranges remain very capable and in high demand and can be the basis of a very cost effective but highly enjoyable system.
It’s always nice to hear what people put together in a system and in most cases with positive results.

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Before I forget to mention… I was a seriously Linny for years and have wandered down the rabbit hole previously and was very involved with their community - until some rocket scientist at Linn decided that it was too much work to host the Linn forum and virtually overnight thousands of conversations and threads were just gone…

Thanks to everyone here and at Naim who see the value in “community” - we can all connect, discuss, laugh and respectfully disagree for the good of the community and this crazy hobby that binds us together!


You’re in a “safe space” here mostly. I’ve owned my fair share of Linn kit as well over the years, most recently a Selekt DSM I had a lot of fun out of (now gone, but hold a lot of respect for it still) as I’m sure many others have and happily still do.
I’ve always had a lot of interest in brands like Nagra, CH Precision, Vitus, dCS to name a few.
I’ve certainly owned a lot of brands kit over the years but funnily enough have always had at least one Naim system regardless!
The Atom remains one of my all time favourite products (still own one) and the Supernait 3 + NDX2 system I had was a lot of fun. A real sweet spot in the range, still is.

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Gee the trolls were out last night.


Ok, so I am thinking the 32.5/110 or a Nait 1,2,3 or 50.

Has anyone who has heard the Nait line have comments? Is there a clear “Naim” sonic signature in any of these?

It’s an insult, and very rude. I find it on google.


I don’t know about the Kans but I assume the Tysen V3s are reasonably sensitive? Are these single driver only or a FAST/WAW (woofer assisted wideband) design - I thought the Tysen series used this principle but I cannot see side-firing woofers on yours. Assuming good sensitivity then perhaps a Nait 50 would be a great place to start? Compact, simple in concept and operation and, I would assume, a direct sound that could work well with the Mark Audio drivers in the Tysens.