New to Naim

Alex, good noticing, the speakers in the previous picture were not the Tysen, these are the Tysen, and are reasonably sensitive and easy to drive.


The NAIT 50 would get my vote :white_check_mark:



Which drivers are the Tysens using?

Thanks to everyone who contribute positively to this forum. Thanks to @Richard.Dane for all your work.

My introduction to better audio started with NAD 3020 paired with B and W DM6 speakers and a simple TT. I progressed to a Pioneer Direct Drive TT. Then a Linn TT.

I progressed to Spectral, then Ayre, then Rega. My system was trashed and I started over with Naim and love the system. Speakers along the way are too numerous to mention. Most did not work well in my difficult room. Only the Rega RX3 and my latest Spendor A4 have succeeded in my room. The A4 have performed the best to date.

For me, working with a dealer has been critical to choosing a great system. In my 40 years in Audio I have only worked with two dealers. Innovative Audio and Signature Sound. Both have offered exemplary service over the years.

I don’t purchase from the internet. I don’t purchase used, unless it is something from my dealer and then more often than not I prefer new gear with a full warranty. If we don’t support our dealers then they won’t be there to support us.

I have come to learn that within NYC, line noise and ways to reduce it is critical. To get a high level of performance, everything matters, including cables and power conditioning. My dealer’s Naim experience has helped.

After making upgrades in the first year, I don’t feel the need to upgrade for a while. If Naim releases a new SN, I might reconsider. I have no rack space for Naim separates. I’m sure they would outperform an integrated, but environment options limited my choices and I accept that.

Lastly, I want to thank all of the forum members,who have made suggestions to me regarding upgrades. It is good to be finished.


Hey Alex, I believe that the Tysen are using Fostex FF85wk, with Plan treatment on the drivers


Plan treatment - I assume that refers to the ‘dimples’ that he applies to drivers. To control cone breakup?

Ok, so if I end up with a Nait of some sort, what Streamer do I pair with it?



I moved away from Naim simply and solely because the speakers my wife and I had set our hearts on wouldn’t have been a particularly happy match - and synergy is all important if you want excellent results. I feel that what we have now is perhaps better suited to us than Naim in some ways but that doesn’t mean I don’t still have a great deal of respect for Naim, and I do still own some of their products.

You are perfectly entitled to your opinion but one wonders what you are doing in these parts if you have such a dislike of Naim gear? You ask people to ‘trust you’. I’m afraid that based on what you have said and the blatantly rude tone of your post I find that impossible.


I am also looking at the new classic 200 preamp streamer and amp. I have gone to two dealers to hear the system. I have a concern that with both systems I heard there is an audible hiss/noise that comes from the tweeter with the volume at 0. Is this normal? If so, why? Are the new classic 200 pieces built in the UK or elsewhere? Thanks for your reply.

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Yes, Naim always has a bit of tweeter hiss. Not sure why, exactly, but I always mute the system when it’s not in use, so it doesn’t bother me at all.

You wouldn’t hear any hiss unless your ear is right up against the tweeter. Also none at all when in standby.

I believe the NC 200 kit is made in the UK. Component parts of course could come from anywhere.

I don’t get much if any hiss from my setup unless you dailed up the volume to unlistenable levels.

As far as I know amp/streamer electronics from Naim is made/assembled in either UK or Slovenia.
(except Mu-So range which is China made)
No idea where the CI range is made.

In order to satisfy initial market demand, Naim used one of their best and most trusted suppliers in Europe to provide the extra build capacity and skilled personnel needed, however I’ve been informed that at the moment they are not required so all build of the 200 series is currently being done in Salisbury.


Is that the same for the 300 series?

Yes Pete, at the tour a couple of weeks Mark said that all except the Muso range is being built in Salisbury.



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