New to Naim

Hi and welcome.

I have a 32.5, HiCap and 160 and I have no intention of changing it! I do love those old chrome bumper boxes. Along with my early (late 70s) LP12 and Acoustic Energy AE1 speakers the whole thing just goes well together, for me anyway. For CD I have a CDX & XPS power supply, which is a cracker. All this can be got for really affordable money, but as others have said check for servicing and provenance.

By chance, a few days ago I was at my local dealer getting a Din lead repaired and I had a chance to hear a new system they were setting up for a customer, based around Chord amps so granted not Naim based. Micheal was busying around and just left me to play around with it.

Now it did sound very good, great depth and lovely smooth top end etc. But then I started thinking, for costing well north of Ā£20,000, how much better is it compared to my old humble system?ā€¦ well, other than the smoother top end thereā€™s not much in it!

For me it showed just how good this old stuff is!


Thanks Martin, I have admired the Naim build and sound for many years but, so far, havenā€™t owned any. It does seem like a few well preserved pieces come up for sale and my favourite dealer, Noam at Stereo Untypical, is a dealer for new gear too.

I know that this is a VERY general question, but are there any speaker brands or models that partner well with the older Naim gear?



What music do you like particularly and how big is the room?

I am really blown away by my Naim XS3 integrated. It replaced a Hegel pre and Faze power amp., which on paper cost more and should be better, but the Naim is on another planet.


My music is vocal jazz mostly with some electronic music too. My room is about 12ā€™*20ā€™

As youā€™re in Canada, Totem are a great match.


The SN2 can be had for such little cash these days that Iā€™d pass on the SN1. The SN2 is also very close sonically to the SN3, but if you have the extra cash and also need a Phono Stage than maybe the SN3 is best. They will both drive almost any speaker.


Why should it be better,? many would think so perhaps, but you found out the hard way.
Two various brands seldom match each other, at least my experience.

The Hegels Iā€™ve heard were boring and lifeless, guess they sell because people are looking for watt output and weight of amp.

My old gear was bought SH, when I did not have a lot of money to buy HiFI gear. The two bits of kit I sold had replaced a "vintage Quad Pre+Power, that I liked, but piece by piece became unrepairable.

I bought the Naim, because, I reasoned a matched Pre +Power or integrated, would be better matched.

Why should it be better? A ā‚¬3000 pre + ā‚¬3000 power amp ought to sound better, compared to a ā‚¬3500 integrated, if money determines sound quality. But obviously things do not work like that.

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There are more knowledgeable members on here that can offer you better advice on speakers than I can. I have only used my old AE1s (mk1) with this system so canā€™t really compare. They are on dedicated stands and set up in a small room which works terrifically well for me.

As @NickofWimbledon has mentioned music taste and room size are important factors. Do a wee search on here, it will give you an idea of what speakers members are using. Off the top of my head Linn Kans, Saras, also PMC and Proac seem to be popular, though I will stand corrected on that! Also pop in and chat with your dealer, they are great for advice and guidance.

Thanks - you mentioned jazz before and I forgot, so be sorry about that. The room size data is helpful - not too long or too square.

Lots of speakers work well with a 72/140 or Supernait or 72/Hicap/250 or 82/Hicap/250. The classic small boxes would be Linn Kans or some variant on the BBC LS3/5, but you can go further.

If you find lots of modern speakers a bit grating/ tiring, you may find Harbeth is just what you need. Greater neutrality might instead lead you to ATC or Spendor, while maximising involvement could mean you prefer Neat.

Totem are highly regarded but I have not heard them. I would encourage hearing any speaker with your chosen electronics before buying if at all possible.

Good luck!

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I agree with @Mike_S, Totem speakers are a great match indeed (also Mr. Bruzzese, the company founder, said that in some videos). If I were you, Iā€™d try the Bison series at least. If you can stretch a bit further, go for the Forests.

I personally love the Naim/Totem match. If you happen to like this match and want to get the best possible experience IMHO, I would also pay attention to cables and would highly recommend to test Nordost cables: they are very fast, have a deep soundstage and lots of clarity/detail (you have to start at least from the Blue Heaven/Red Dawn).

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Does that include the new Ci range?

Good question, we didnā€™t really talk about that range apart from Steve Sells describing the pre-ampā€™s functionality, I suspect not because it wasnā€™t mentioned as something on the production lines. Sorry about probably being misleading above, Iā€™ve not really got my head round CI.

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No worries at all. I assume we will know a bit more about the Ci range when it lands with dealers in August. Will be interesting to see whether it runs on the Naim App or something else.