New TT or a new amp or new speakers? Help!

Thanks. I hope you are right. I have no idea how the room will sound. In theory, and according to the guy from PSI Audio, it should sound really good.

But it’s impossible to predict the result. It’s a bit like baking a cake, following the recipe doesn’t guarantee everything.

Besides, I largely underestimated the work it would give me. I’m far from finished…

The Magico M2 are arriving next week, and I wonder where I will put them. They will stay in their boxes for a few weeks.

The flat is a mess! My office looks like a hifi shop and I even use my daughter’s room to store stuff. :stuck_out_tongue: :joy:

It’s a mess…

The good thing is that I’m learning a lot too. Not only about acoustics, but also about more ordinary things like electrical and fire regulations in Switzerland, how to paint a wall correctly, how to calculate the bevel of a door, how to run cables that are too thick into tubes that are too narrow, etc.

In short, I’m far from being done… :sweat_smile:

Good luck @Thomas !

I hope the result justifies your efforts.


Indeed - IF available. And if going to a dealer one can always take ones existing components - any or all - that they don’t have (I’ve done if with large, heavy speakers and heavy amps). But as speakers have a greater influence on sound character than any other component, hey may yet be the deciding component. I.e the OP may want to build around his Magicos if he lives their sound character. And there is nothing whatsoever wrong with that - though it is possible it could take more effort than if he/she went for sone other option.

By which I assume you are happy with your choice? I too enjoy classical music (about 10% of my listening time). It is a good test of any system. And more recently I have explored different recordings of familiar pieces. Aside the recording quality; the differing interpretations are astonishingly different. I recently ‘discovered’ Beethoven’s 9th by Wilheim Furtwangler (1955) - amazing… And then to be able to listen to these classic (in the broadest sense) recordings in the best way! It is joyful.

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Don’t judge too much.



I really don’t see a reason why the A1s can’t work in that room; certainly, they may lack a little more distance from the side walls, but you still have room to try…

It seems evident that a more capable integrated in line with them would be the first point to consider, but in this case, the possibilities of location seem quite limited.

You should keep your Magico A1s. They are fine speakers!

You’ve placed them well.

If I dare suggest one or two things :

The stands. My dealer explained to me that the stands you see here in the picture are more or less unavoidable and make a real difference.

I’ve auditioned the A1’s with these stands and driven with an integrated less powerful than the SN2, really nice speakers. They clearly hit above their price point.

Also, I would place, if possible of course, two absorbers on the left and on the right at the first reflection points. You will immediately notice the difference. Your stereo image will be better defined and more stable. And your brightness problem should be tamed a little. A cheap upgrade!

If you are on the market for an integrated, there is the Soulution 330.

I’ve auditioned it too; it was connected to the Magico Q1s. And frankly, it was a jaw-dropping experience.

It was the system below (this is at my dealers’):

As it is a streamer, it would make you a one-box system.

This is an option to consider if you enjoy having a well-defined and airy stereo image.

The only problem is the price. It’s expensive…

But, obviously, there are other options.

Nice room btw! :smiley:


The Solution 330 makes sense but isn’t it more like 20K. As opposed to 10

also. yes. New stands make sense

Ok. I know I will be flogged. What about upgrading amp to Technics SU-R1000

Secondhand recently one at £11k (and that’s with the phono board).

I believe you are referring to a demo device.

If it’s the one I’m thinking of, it’s a bargain.

There is indeed the phono card and the DAC/streamer card as well.

Fully loaded!

@domwhist a nice option to consider.

Not convinced. Everything Swiss is overpriced and it is, (not to be deliberately unkind) fugly. Appreciate that personality goes a long way though. Thanks for the suggestion.

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That’s a good price. Buy it !!

I heard that 330 Soulution. True hifi product.

Quality doesn’t come cheap, especially in hi-fi… :sunglasses:

Despite what I said, I checked out the Soulution 330 and it is another deep amp. 490mm, which is an improvement on the NuVista 510mm. The deal that was mentioned is still live (I think) and on the face of it does appear to be something of a relative bargain. I think I need to get myself organised, put the speakers in the car and arrange some demos.

If with a € 20,000 tag price brand new dosn’t sound good and isn’t true HIFI, turn off the light when leaving and let’s go…

It seems crazy to me, and evidence of little empathy, the recommendations that are being made of products of exorbitant price, more as things are and come ahead (wait only a little, and you will see…).

Don’t forget the voice of reason of Mrs newcomer; it helped me… :wink:.

That’s a lovely looking room. I’d be really careful about getting drawn into the idea of an amplifier that costs as much as a car, remembering that you’ll need to spend the same again on a source to match it. I wonder if just reverting to your excellent PMCs and getting a really good deck might be a better way? Have you tried the PMCs again? They may be less ‘good’, whatever they means, but they might me more liveable with.