NEW! Uniti Atom Headphone Edition – and streaming pre-amp!

With the new Uniti Atom HE also including a Pentaconn socket on the front, I wonder if Focal will also make a Pentaconn cable available for their headphones and possibly also supply this in the box with new headphones?

It would certainly be more convenient then having to use the 4 pin XLR socket on the back for balanced headphone output as would currently be the case with the supplied headphone cables with Focal’s current headphone line up.

Ditto! Nap 200/250 equivalent but in a Uniti formfactor. Loads of people are adding Naps to their Atoms, isn’t Nap100 being phased out?


If there was a matching power amp to go with the Uniti Atom HE then would the combination be called the Uniti Molecule?

The He2?

Boom! Boom!

I’ll get me coat.


Yep, that’s exactly the fuel you need for a Star to go Nova…


I think you would need iron for that? So the Atom FE? :slight_smile:


But what was used to make that iron? Hmmm?

I trust that late night off topic dad jokes are allowed on this thread.


I skipped a couple of steps and got this:
In the begining there was chaos and God created earth and heavens.
Looks like we need to start from here :slight_smile:

I can actually see this being a model for future Naim NACs, with or without a built in streamer.

i.e. Move towards all NACs to being dedicated headphone amps with balanced XLR on the power supplies for powered speakers or power amps. Although single ended is probably more appropriate for power amps, I can see the next revision of NAPs all going the balanced XLR route just for harmonisation.

Most of the new products Naim have release over the past decade have introduced concepts that have spread throughout other products in the portfolio. There’s a good chance the Atom HE is such a stepping stone to larger changes.


Let’s hope so!

BTW. For Dutch speaking people here, there is a test published on a wel known Dutch hifi site. Unfortunately they only tested it as a headphone amp, not as a preamp.

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What was the verdict please?

Good point. :upside_down_face: Translated from Dutch. Personally I do not agree to the minuses, but I might be biased. :grin:


The Uniti Atom Headphone Edition is a one-in-all solution that we did not see coming, but now it it there appears to be a perfect addition to the Naim product line. This Naim is difficult to compare with other equipment trying to offer the headfi-lover with all they are looking for, but does in its own way and with its own style.


  • Best in class user-friendliness and app
  • Offers all possible streaming options
  • Suitable for all headphone types, including balanced
  • Faithful to the Naim-sound which is friendly to the ears
  • One of the most beautiful headfi-solutions available


  • Balanced XLR-connections inconveniently positioned
  • Touch screen would have been a nice extra
  • Higher price area



Well that sounds like a pass. Well done Naim.

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Ah, the review - a great read. They gave the product a ‘Recommended’ award, too.

Further up in this thread I link to the Stereonet UK review by David Price - he tests it as a pre-amp as well as a headphone amp, if you’re looking for more on that aspect of the product.

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Which would be a subtle way to change the design of the separates lines…

Clare, considering this line in the Stereonet review:

[…] a lovely fascia with a large, crisp OLED display

Is that correct? That would be a very noteworthy upgrade from the earlier used TFT displays?

no, that’s an error. We do roll out minor display updates where we can, but not one this major. I’ll ask Stereonet to amend it to avoid confusion.


Looking forward to user opinions and comparisons. I have paid for mine and hoping to pair with Utopia, Empyrean, HD800S and Oreolis Trailli IEM’s. The I/O options are fabulous.

The question is how does the DAC and Amp implementation sound for the price point :slight_smile: I’ll find out when I receive the unit!


It is telling that so many of the responses on the Naim forum focus on how this might be utilized with speakers (something all other Naim systems do so well). This product looks much more to address the growing market of people who primarily listen to music via headphones (many of which might even have no desire for a set of speakers). I am happy to see that this market is being addressed and will watch with interest the feedback provided on some of the headphone forums.

For someone like myself that does listen primarily to speakers and likes to tinker with dacs if I want headphones I can use the headphone output on my Supernait or look at adding a headline.

Have to say I did not see this product coming but it is cool!


I’m not a headphone guy myself but i do follow a few headphone oriented channels on Youtube. One of the things i noticed is that they regularly talk about the benefits of EQ’ing for specific high end headphones.

Could the lack of EQ options in the Atom HE be considered an issue in this regard for high end headphone owners?


The aim of Uniti Atom Headphone Edition is to drive the vast majority of headphones really well. Will there be some esoteric headphones it might not suit? Quite possibly.

If you have to start messing around with sound to suit picky headphones, the problem may not be with the source/amp…

As noted before, we tested Atom HE with a LOT of different headphones, including many pairs costing more than the product itself.