Next move - 500dr or source first?

Source first, I have been using a ND555 for over fives years but have had a couple of problem that required return to Naim my dealer loaned me a NDX2 on the first occasion then a NDS. I was surprised how good the NDX2 was with the 555ps but to be honest I was rathercdissapointed with the NDS.

The ND555 in my system/room is far ahead of both the NDX2 and NDS much more enjoyable.


Whilst I agree, sometimes a ‘better’ amp can help to let the quality of your source shine through… for better or worse mind you!

You can’t make something better that isn’t there but you can make more of what you get. :+1:t2:

we always think that improving the source is the best move, and universally it is.

But the NDX2/PSU is no slouch.

I learnt from Touraj at vertere, is isn’t just improving one thing that yields the best result, but improving the weakest link.

In this case the speakers are very demanding, 500DR is where I would put my money.


Well I tried both out…. And it’s a very close thing in one respect and in another way totally different and incomparable as a test. The results were so different from each component as you would expect.

The 500dr showed its control and grip and as everyone said transformed in particular the bass. It is true these speakers are hungry.

However, the nd555 is so other worldly compared to the NDX2 that I had to go source first. The 300 is way good enough even with the 803s.

So far I have played with Gilmour, Jean Michelle Jarre, Radiohead, Goldfrapp and Philip Glass and have been litterally blown away. I honestly didn’t think there was more. There is so much more!!!

I am just gonna sit with this for a while now. Let it all sink in - feel so happy. The 500 added in was a dangerous move but not yet…. Maybe in 2025….


That’s fantastic. So have you bought the ND555 yet?

I have not yet paid….

But you will….:wink:

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Oh that part. Always happens to me too. Trigger happy fingers. Very dangerous.

Yes it’s a bad addiction

Yes - nd555 is so different…
Remember last year in may when a costly ride began :joy:

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