Next steps…

Well there’s a lot of knowledge on here which is handy I know I love music and as I get older seem to having a bit more time to listen to it
I am looking to upgrade on my NDX Supernait and unitiserve Linn LP 12 set up and find myself listening to more vinyl these days.
I’ve had a demo of the 200 and 300 series and become blinded by the upgrade options and now hearing about the 552 second hand options even more confused
Any guidance from you gurus gratefully listened too


What spec is your LP12?

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@Ronan welcome.

First what speakers do you have with your SN?

Second, as already asked what spec is your Linn?

Third, and this is the most important what do you think could be improved? More detail, bass definition, engagement etc etc? There is often a case for just leaving things alone, an option few of us on here follow.

Finally, of course you need to set a budget if not who knows where you’ll end up.

Do you have a Naim dealer nearby presumably yes as you’ve had demos. Discussing options with a knowledgable expert can reap rewards.

Good luck,



@Ronan I would love to give recommendations for the LP12, but there’s no point doing that in isolation. We don’t have other specifics to go on, what specs (bearing/subchassis/arm/cartridge) on the LP12 besides the Lingo4, which speakers, cables, rack, what is your room like etc. So also here the recommendation to provide some more details.

From the listed combination of Supernait / Unitiserve / NDX I would guess these are all the original models not the current versions. If so then indeed there are many possibilities for upgrades. And for a nice budget as there are a lot of boxes coming to the used market now.

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Hello, Ronan, and welcome to the Forum.

For all the well-intentioned guidance that you will receive on this Forum, there is no substitute for getting yourself to a good Linn/Naim dealer and seeing and hearing for yourself.

It’s not clear where you live, but Grahams in London, Cymbiosis near Leicester, or any of the Audio T shops will be glad of your custom, and will give you all the help you need - but perhaps you should speak to your bank manager first!


The relatively cheapest option might be to have all your existing equipment serviced if that has not been done in the last few years.


There is also the enjoyment of the journey of listening to various combinations over a period of time, before making a move and getting it right. Much like you Lindsay.

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Wow what knowledge thanks I’m very grateful…I’ll look into the Linn advice and will update you on the other info as obs you are an astute group.


Hi Lindsay,
Sorry for delay …the joy of work.

My set up is

Sondek LP12 with Karousel bearing
Majik aluminium sub-chassis
Laminated armboard
Solid Base aluminium base board
Krane aluminium and stainless steel tonearm with low friction & rotational mass bearing design
Koil moving coil (MC) cartridge
45 rpm adaptor
Lingo 4 power supply

Rega MC phono stage

Naim supernait
B&W 804 D3 Loudspeakers

So any views on upgrade paths for a beautiful open sound gratefully received

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Okay I’m not really very well informed with regard to current Linn configurations but that all looks good, but a good Linn dealer will advise on options. Nor do I know your speakers but I’m assuming they’re a good match with your SN and more importantly your room. However, a HC or even SC on the SN is a really really good upgrade.

However, in the 1st instance I would reach out for a 555(DR) PSU for the NDX. Hearing is believing!



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That Linn looks pretty good to me. I’d be looking at a NSC222 and NC250, which will give you much more drive for the speakers, and far better streaming capabilities. The next thing to address is probably the phono stage, and there are lots of good ones around.

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Nigel, yes interesting comparison how would the 222/250 compare with the NDX/SN? The latter is very good in my experience and outperformed the 272/250(DR) all imo of course. I haven’t heard the 222/250.



I’m thinking functionality and drive. The new 250 has a lot more power than the SN, which is what those B&Ws need. A 222/250 is also a lot tidier than five or six classic boxes. Once you start talking Hicap, naps, power supply for streamer etc.


Yeah as I said to the OP I don’t know his speakers, good to give him options.



Please allow me to translate that into Linn/Naim-speak often used on most forums:

Majik+ spec LP12 from (insert year, likely 2021 or 2022):

  • Plinth (unknown, likely a new genuine Linn, what kind of wood?)
  • Solid Base (not Trampolin2)
  • Lingo 4 power supply
  • Karousel bearing
  • Majik subchassis
  • Krane tonearm
  • Majik tonearm cable (most likely )
  • Koil MC cartridge

That is a solid LP12 configuration, worthy to spend your attention elsewhere for now as others have indicated.

  • Phono stage is a Rega Fono MC

That is a very basic option in this configuration, good thing to upgrade that if/when you’re upgrading the amplification/streamer.

As usual Nigel offers some very sound advice here, do you have an opportunity to demo this setup at your dealer? You haven’t given any indication of budget, and despite trade-ins for your current set-up some real funds will be involved moving to the New Classic (NC) series as suggested above.


Interesting thread, just read.
Some really helpful and positive suggestions to date.

Quick question…
Do you have a rough budget for what you wish to spend?
Aims - What do you wish to achieve ?

Best wishes

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