Next upgrade to NAC 282 + NAP 250DR

I prefere nap 200 over nap 250 with nac 282.Better detail,better soundstage and if you use 2 pcs Rel in combination as I do you get better basperformance to.Please try nap 200…

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Listened to my set up today, it’s been cooking at this time and now the system is delivering the goods - great sound, I am amazed at how the bass has deepened - it’s now deep and solid, I am more than happy to listen without the sub - still need for when I connect up the Blu Ray player for the deep rumbles - but for music the bass is more than sufficient without the subs…

It’s more boxes than a SN3 - but as everyone advised, it has been a step up to move to an 282+250 DR.

Thanks for everyone how advised my on my journey - really happy with the system


I have just upgraded from an SN3 + HiCap to a NAC 282 + NAP 250DR + HiCap. I was a bit worried that it might not justify the additional outlay but it a substantial upgrade in every respect. Music has a massive amount more presence and heft than it previously had. Detail is much improved as is separation and imaging. I managed to get the 282 and 250 at substantial discounts - the 250 was ‘refurbished’ by Naim but basically new and the 282 was an ex demo from my local Sevenoaks shop but again basically like new. I am chuffed to bits.

Quick question - the 282 comes with the Narcom 5 remoteyet the manual and everything I can find online says it should come with the Narcom 4. Did the later ones come with the 5 or is it some mix up along the line? Whatever, it works fine.

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The 4 was superseded by the 5 donkey’s years ago, so a 5 is what you’d expect to get with a more recent 282.


xfikian - as answered by HungryHalibut - the remote you now get is the Narcom 5 - this was a question I also had and checked with the dealer who confirmed the change with the remote.

Looks like you are enjoying the upgrade as much as I am - although in my case it took a bit of time to get there… I am already considering adding a 2nd HiCap DR - as I understand that this give a increase in performance - I know Supercap DR is the ultimate PS for the 282 - but taking into accout the cost of Supercap DR, it may be a bot of overkill unless considering upgrading the 282 to a 252…

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Like others I’m running a 282/hicap DR/250DR. Output is Harbeth Hl5plusXD/Rel 812 sub.
I recently acquired an NDX2. Overall an amazing system and having had SN3 I’d say a big step up.

Curious on others experience with either adding a XPSDR for the NDX2 vs SuperCap DR for the 282. I also run a P8/alpheta2 analog source.


There are other threads on this.

There are big caveats to my comments, as I went 82 with HC, 82 with 2 HCs , 82 with SC, 52 with SC. 82 is like 282, not the same, but…

That was partly because VFM and partly because I marginally prefer 82 to 282 and 52 to 252. However, my conclusion was that all were upgrades but the big one was swapping from 82 to 52.

For me, adding XPSDR to NDX2 was bigger than any PS change on the amp, though smaller than the 82 to 52 change. Others disagree - some here tried options and added XPSDR to NDX2/ SN3/HCDR instead of swapping to 282/ 250 B as B previously planned.

In any event, the key here may be that turntable. If that gets much use, then that would strongly support a preamp PS upgrade over one that only helps the streamer.

In any event, given that all these boxes are pretty good, please try before you buy if at all possible. More than one person here has ‘heard the difference’ but decided it is far too small to justify an extra box - or an extra bill.

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Appreciate your comments:)…yes struggling with that a bit…75% of listening is ndx2 but really enjoying the turntable sessions I do have…upside is if I can get a Supercap there’s still some value in my HICap DR but very, very hard to find Supercap DR’s on the used market in Canada. Naim in Montreal will do the UK power conversion and there’s quite a few available there… tempting but hard to test prior to purchase with such limited availability…any comments on the specific sonic impact of a SuperCap vs HICAP with the 282?

If you out 282 Hicap Supercap in the Search box, it will take you to many threads discussing just this. Opinions, as they say, differ….

Considering the difficulty you describe, I would strongly advise against that upgrade, some prefer Hicap over Supercap on the 282, so you can probably let go of that thought.

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I have the same combination, loving it every day.


As has been said above, this topic has been covered a lot in the Forum… have a look.

Adding in my personal view… I had 82 HiCap but didn’t like that sound fully. Then I added a Supercap and all was right again, I definitely felt that the SuperCap really let the 282 soar. I then went 282 Supercap and thought that was better than the 82 Supercap. I now am running 282, Supercap DR, 250 DR and think this is the best my system has sounded in all the years I have had it.

So my vote is for the SuperCap on an 82 or 282 regardless of whether one is planning on moving to a 252 or not.


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