Next upgrade

Maybe I should try that 2nd PSU. I hate this forum :rage::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Do it
You won’t regret it

What do you want to achieve? What is the future end goal you’re heading for, if you have one? Rather important considerations unless you just want to spend money or have a change for the sake of change.

In my experience speakers most important for sound character, amps capable enough to control them at least adequately and reasonable source / max out source once speakers best you can, better than source first dogma…


In my case I upgraded my Front End , from a Auralic Aeries G1 to the new Aeries G2.2 ; then I’ve bought a Chord M-Scaler for my TT2. Lastly a Teddy Pardo dual output LPS. I’m waiting on some of it to arrive, so I can’t offer a complete opinion. I can say the G2.2 is a big step up from the G1…

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I politely disagree. I did my speakers before the 300 to 500 upgrade. I strongly suspect I would have different speakers now if I’d done the amp first.

I guess we all have different experiences. I was just pointing out tgat tge source first doctrine is not gospel !

Thing is you don’t know what’s round the corner. I never anticipated moving on from the 300DR. That didn’t drive PMC Fact 12’s particularly well but did the Titan 707’s. Fast forward 18 months and I was offered a fantastic deal on a new 500DR and I had the funds available. If that hadn’t happened, I may now have been looking at the new 350’s ? I love the 707’s and don’t really want to change them. I’ve just been left with a nagging doubt as to whether I would have preferred the PMC’s.

As I said, I’m not changing now. If I ever came into a significant amount of money I’d probably try the Titan 808’s against the PMC MB2’s so another upgrade rather than sideways move.

Yes, adequately driving the speakers is important - though I’m somewhat surprised the 300 wasn’t up to it (though not at all surprised it wasn’t ideal). I haven’t heard the Titans, but have found transmission line bass best, and PNCs better speakers definitely do it for me (F12 would be minimum in current range -20.26 was inadequate)

I was disappointed, I’d had GB1i, FB1i and 20.26 with my various Naim systems and really wanted to like the Fact 12’s but my dealer and I couldn’t get them to work in my room with the 300DR. The bass was overblown and very flabby. Nothing we did could tame it or tighten it up. The 707’s worked a dream so I went with them. I love the MB2’s having heard them in a friends (non Naim) system and still aspire to them….maybe one day.

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When I first heard the F12 it was with a Bryston amp, which seemed adequate, but I felt the speaker was a bit constrained, left feeling better in a small room - but a subsequent occasion in different room they sounded better. But MB2 distinctly better! Given power capability of Brysron 4Bsst amp with my previous EB1i speakers, just going into clipping when playing loud, I did feel that if I were ever to try a Naim amp with it the 300 would be minimum but questionable, and not even sure about 500 as it is a 4ohm speaker. When I first heard the MB2 I declined also hearing BB5…!

Some say, a more sensible approach imo is system synergy. The BWs (I don’t know them), are they right for your room, I wonder if you might get more bang for buck from the 500? Different ways to skin the cat.

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Think I’m gonna save for a bit and go for the 500 DR amp…
Bit concerned about the two racks being at different heights thou!
Thinking though if I eventually get a second 555ps on the right side it’ll balance it out a bit…

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The bangs amazing cos I’ve got the Rel s3s
Guess I’m just a bit bored, and want it to sound even better…

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