Nice Photos

Beautiful part of the UK Don, looks like you’re enjoying yourself.

@Don Great places to be when the weather is not so good at this time of the year as beach are not silly packed.
Had a nice walk yesterday from my house across Crantock beach, round coast path to Poly Joke and back across Cubert common to home.

All change next week as it’s the dreaded boardmasters so can’t go anywhere in Newquay direction as roads packed and the other direction has the mess of Chivvy cross that the roadworks are causing. :grimacing:

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Bee doing a Clint Eastwood thing!

Do you feel lucky…punk!
Do you feel lucky?


Hi Graham,

We must have been staying pretty close to you !

We rented “Sea View”. That’s the last house of the left as you enter the Poly Joke car park at the top of the hill in West Pentire. Just past the vintage record player workshop !!

It’s a beautiful place, Crantock. Our previous next-door neighbour moved to Crantock about 30 years ago and worked for a while in a small tea-room in the village. She later moved to Norfolk.

We have been going to Porth Joke for the past 45 years or so. It’s such a beautiful place. And i’ve lost count of the times we have walked round the headland to Holywell and back across the fields to Crantock, or over the next headland to Perranporth.

Even when we’ve based ourselves elsewhere in Cornwall for a holiday, we find time to spend a few days on the beach at Porth Joke. You live in a beautiful part of the UK.

Thanks Pete.

We do enjoy visits to Cornwall, searching out isolated coves and beaches. Surfing and body-boarding plus coastal walks and golf !

The UK has a wide variety of landscapes and history to enjoy. The weather is also variable !

I’ve always tried to take the view that it’s not the weather that’s the problem, it’s just my choice of clothing :sunglasses:

I know you were only over here for a short visit, but I hope you enjoyed your time, the factory visit and the people that you spent time with.

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I’m hungry, get out of the way!

I'm Hungry, get out of the way!


Hi Don

Yes you were not that far, we live on the road that runs between Crantock and Cubert backing onto the common… so to keep slightly on thread here is a picture from bottom of our garden looking out across Cubert common towards Polly Joke.

We moved down 10 years ago from West Oxfordshire. Had been coming down to Cornwall for years and always hoped to retire down here, a job working from home ment we could do it a bit earlier. Job all went pear shaped so ended up working on local holiday park till I found something more suitable and that paid a wage you could actuaaly live on. Just went part time this year so a bit more time to enjoy our surroundings.

When we were looking at properties we had 2 in mind the one we are in and another at Cubert, could not make up our minds so a walk across the beach and it was all clear… Crantock and we consider ourselves lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the country.


I would certainly agree with that statement Graham, and a lovely view too !

Last Friday we drove from Holywell Bay golf coarse (Mrs D won !!), turned left in Cubert to follow the local road back to Crantock, then left again back to Sea View. Must have passed your place.

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An iceberg in Greenland from a few weeks ago.


Pink Hat


Possibly the stupidest car I’ve seen. Always remember one of those stretched limos being tested and just how dangerous they are. Imagine trying to reverse park the damn thing.

Dreams factory


Try to pop a wheelie in one! :wink:

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Across the Alde estuary to Iken church on a rising tide before an evening gig at Snape Maltings.


“Dave, that great idea I had…”


That sounds like a challenge.
I think these cars, ‘Stance’, they are called are much more stupiderer (it’s a real word, trust me.) I’ve seen footage of these cars getting stuck on a 10cm drop between two roads. The aim is to make them as low, (and as ugly and stupidly impractical,) as possible.
Yes, the wheels are meant to be that wonky.


You could only imagine the driver and yes they are certainly the stupidest. Least the stretched limo has a purpose. :grin:

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Barbie Car :grinning:

Barbies car would be more practical