Nice Photos

More connected with VW I think Pete. Porsche were struggling back then and both VW and Audi were in the mix. I’ve not heard of the BMW connection.


You maybe right, for some reason I thought it was BMW. The VW/Audi connection came later. Best Google it to confirm.

It appears I was wrong, now there’s a first. Age is obviously wiping my memory, must be time for a new hard drive. :grin:

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.

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I’m just a nerd when it comes to cars

and bikes

and HiFi


And I’m just a nerd. :grin:


French Pyrenees


My stomping ground. How long are you here?

There’s an Australian YouTube Channel, inCARnation Australia, and Stuart, one of the creators, has been buying 928s over recent months as well as looking at electrification. There might be some useful information about the pitfalls.

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Fantastic break in the weather forecast for a long hike to Tomales Point, the northernmost tip of California’s spectacular Point Reyes National Park.

Crashing waves, majestic scenery, elk, enormous bird-things* (ornithology not my strong suit), (almost) no other people, and only enough rain to paint rainbows in the sky. Nice.

﹡ I’ve checked, and these were definitely ‘birds’** Which is a species of bird.

** Double-crested cormorants***, if you must know.

*** These differ from other cormorants in their number of crests****.

**** at a guess.


Landed Monday eve for a conference. Driven down the Keys today (currently in Key West), then back later and over to Tampa tomorrow for meetings on Monday, then home on Tuesday.

Am definitely appreciating the 23C weather here versus home.


That photo dersevers its own spot!:sunglasses:


Still making up for the Covid years then :wink:

And how is the vino in sunny Californ I A?

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In keeping with the theme. Our Edinburgh pad.



Yep, and heureusement for me, my economy flight over here was practically empty (I haven’t seen that in a long time, and it was an A380 too). Meant I got a row of four seats as a bed, and slept well. Which is a novelty!

Am attending/helping at the Masters of Wine Seminar in Napa, and added on a few days for R&R, overcome jetlag, and hiking. Although couldn’t get out of crime-cesspit San Francisco quick enough. Weather forecast was dismal though, and it is grey and grim today, but yesterday was spectacular, as the photos attest.

Highly recommend Point Reyes, from kooky Bolinas to aptly-named Inverness (topographically anyway), lighthouse to beaches. A beautiful place.

Today, a leisurely drive down to Napa via Anderson and Sonoma, through redwoods and mountains(ish).

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That must be awful, hang in there!


love that area. some bad weather coming. be careful.

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Otherwise known as Shags……

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Peaceful easy feelin