Nice Photos

The Nuclear Option



Torness ?

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Indeed it is.


Good performing power station. Although 35 years at power now.

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An East Lothian Triptych (Holiday snaps. Mrs H is so tolerant).

Torness. Bass Rock. Berwick Law.



North Cornwall coast - 14 August 2024

Morwenstow - ancient church in a beautiful coastal setting, associated closely with Rev Robert Stephen Hawker (1803–1875) priest, poet, antiquarian and eccentric. The nearby Hawker’s Hut, a wooden cabin in the cliffs made of shipwrecked timbers, is the National Trust’s smallest property.

Down to Boscastle for lunch

Minster of the trees - in the Valency Valley, Boscastle.

Origins date to at least the early 6th century, has an amazing Norman font. Hawker wrote a poem about it…

‘The Minster of the trees! A lonely dell
Deep with grey oaks, and ‘mid their quiet shade
Grey with moss of years, yon antique cell!
Sad are those walls: The cloister lowly laid
Where passing monks at solemn evening made
Their chanted orisons: and as the breeze
Came up the vale, by rock and tree delay’d,
They heard the awful voices of many seas
Blend with the passing hymn – thou Minster of the Trees.’


Hawker’s Hut - I’ll add that one to my list of NT places to see. Wish Cornwall was a bit nearer !

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Lovely neck of the woods - we stayed in the Bush Inn Morwenstow when we did the SW Coast Path. Great beer, good food and after closing time we were on our own, the wind got up and whistled under doors and thru window frames then by first light the fog rolled in, very atmospheric.


I remember, there is also something about the chimneys of the vicarage?

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Yes @catswhiskers the Vicarage was built by Hawker in 1837 and the chimnies are models of towers of parish churches associated with him (Stratton, Whitstone and North Tamerton), and two more based on towers in Oxford. One of the chimnies is modelled on the tomb of his Mother.

Passed the 13th Century Bush Inn @BlueCanary - was tempted to go in, and spending the night there appeals. Lots of walkers out on the SW coastal path yesterday.

Worth a visit @Dynaudio1: Hawker's Hut walk | Cornwall | National Trust


Stayed in Boscastle about 25 or so ago. B&B was about £25-30, not busy either - those were the days ! A couple of years later they had the big floods.

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The 20th anniversary of the flood is tomorrow - film crews down there yesterday. 80 cars washed down through the village and out into the sea. Helicopters winching families off roofs. A miracle no one died.

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Yep - thinking about it, where I stayed was one of those cottages in the creek which was directly affected by the floods. It would have been in 1996.

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This had been flitting about in the garden all morning while I was outside tidying up, caught with a camera phone while it was resting. Flown off by the time I had a proper camera ready.


Took this on iPhone the other evening whilst out for a walk thinking I was taking a cat and seagull not noticing the squirrel until I got home and looked at the photo.



Great shot and great serendipity!


Dublin’s very cosmopolitan so it is


Ever started a ‘project’ and subsequently wished you hadn’t?

The obvious question is ‘why?’ To which I have only 'why not?"

Perhaps some subliminal homage to Peter Greenaway (and spot the reference). Perhaps just one of those things you start (and honestly, my advice is not to).