Nick Cave - Wild God

Sadly the vinyl copy is also very poor!

I’m used to hearing music with a deliberate patina.
Styled to add texture and grit.
I’m sure what you are hearing is the intended effect.
Apologies to ad infinitum.

Is the vinyl poor or does it accurately reflect the sound as presented in the hires digital copies?

I’ve the grey vinyl & the pressings perfect. It’s a very good album as far as I’m concerned :man_shrugging:t3:

I contacted Rough Trade as the record was also warped. To be fair to them it was packed very well so I assume it was warped prior to posting. They immediately said they will post a replacement and I can return my copy when the new one is received so pretty good customer service.

I will update the sound quality when I get the new replacement record.

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This album just gets better with each listen. Brings a tear to this old(ish) man’s eyes.

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It’s heartening to read that people can enjoy an album despite ‘awful sound quality’. Just as it should be.


First listen I turned it off (due to my mood), second try I was similarly moved to what you say. Now I am scared to put it on a third time haha.

Interesting. I committed to a long headphone listen, and I am getting there. Not going to be a favourite in my Cave collection but it is finding its place. I just had to concentrate and work on it. Music doesn’t have to be easy and immediate does it.



I’ve just listened to the album for the first time on my computer so not able to have an opinion on sound quality.
Musically though I found it beautiful in parts, quite moving and an album I’ll definitely listen to again, probably quite a bit.

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Hmmm… Not too sure about the ‘growing on me’ response. For me, that usually means 1 of 2 things: I don’t like it, or it’s a load of rubbish… :grin:. YMMV of course!

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This can sometimes be a challenge for lots of us, I seem to go through cycles of listening over critically rather than just enjoying the music as you say. I have not personally heard this album yet but do love Nick Cave and have found most of his CD productions to have been some of the best, his live recording at Alexander Palace during Covid was a wonderful sounding CD.


It’s probably not their best recorded album. However I find the music rather grand that I seem to forgot that and just listen to what he’s got to say. That plus the choir and strings just take me somewhere else. The man’s lost 2 sons I don’t know how you could process that but after a few wonderful dark and sometimes hard to listen too his come out the other side. The track Joy highlights that.


I knew of one lost child but not two, truly terrible thing for any parent, I can’t even begin to imagine such loss. I understand the Ghosteen album was very much him expressing loss through his music, I think I will seek this new album out. Many Thanks.


I tried the first two tracks and it didn’t grab me, I’ll give it another go - the reviews are very good. Sound quality was meh though.


Couldn’t agree more @broomy, the Alexandra Palace performance for me is one of my favourite musical experiences, glad i got to see it on BBC at the time.
May yet take the plunge and get the vinyl.

Get that order in :wink:


I was a little thrown off when I was listening to a few of the early release singles and one had the lyric of Jubilee Street. Thought he was repeating himself. And I really love the Live in Copenhagen version of that song. But yeah, the singles on their own weren’t doing it for me. But when I listened to the album and heard it as a whole, everything worked.

I’m currently reading his book, Faith, Hope and Carnage and it’s a great read since it’s just extended interviews. You don’t have to agree with him but at least you get an understanding of what he’s thinking and what drives him. I’ve also seen him a few times live over the years and always a great performance. People treat him like a god.


Just received a black vinyl copy and gave it a spin. Really enjoyed it.
Ghosteen never did it for me. I know it is very highly rated but I just didn’t enjoy it at all.
However even on first play I can tell I will be playing this a lot. A return to form as far as I am concerned.

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I’ve finally got to listen to this. On hearing the start of the first track I realised what people are saying about the SQ. The band, strings and choir all seem to be presented in a confusing heap, which is doubtless the effect that was planned. But part way through the song it quietens down. As I listened to the rest of the album I found it a thing of extraordinary beauty and hugely uplifting, and that I was immersed in it without even thinking about the recorded sound. It’s a fine album and justifies the reviews.