Nightwish - Birmingham'21 and beyond

I know he’d listened to, and mostly enjoyed, the various teasers on YouTube - suspect he’d have really liked the whole thing.

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I can’t see any reason why the conversation can’t continue @Alley_Cat @VinoVeritas - @IanRobertM really enjoyed the thread.

He did enjoy the initial things on YouTube, and sent me the links, so I can go back to them sometime soon.

I’m keen to follow he thread, but will need to go back to the beginning to get the drift. I didn’t pay enough attention to Nightwish - it didn’t occur to me that time was so limited. I managed to introduce him to Alan Hull/Lindisfarne (better live than you might expect) and, perhaps more importantly, to Rush which he took to like the proverbial duck to water.

As a starter for ten, I’ve ordered the original version of Decades, although it occurs to me that I should probably have posed the question here first…


I hadn’t picked up that he had been drawn into the Rush universe. We exchanged thoughts on the magnificent Queen - particularly the early years.
If you haven’t read Geddy’s autobiography, I can thoroughly recommend it. His research into his families experiences during WW2 is very moving.


He hadn’t got that far in, probably not sufficiently to recognise your name on here but he might have spotted the relevance of your avatar if he’d seen it recently.

I haven’t read that one - currently working my way through some of Neil Pearl’s output - but it’ll now go onto my ‘to be read’ list.


I can second Geddy’s book. He comes over as a thoroughly nice person. Unlike some rock autobiographies I’ve read!


As I posted before, we were lucky enough to attend a ‘book tour’ event at Portsmouth Guildhall (near you Suzywong!) and Geddy was interviewed by Alex. They are so funny together.

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Then there was also Ayreon (Arjen Lucassen project - the tall happy dude if he was mentioned in your presence) about whom we had several conversations.
Starter for 10 for both of us was The Day the World Breaks Down on YouTube


Yeah, I looked at that but decided that 70 quid was too much; OK, so it included the book, but I already had it! OTOH, I’d missed that Alex would be doing the interview.

There was a different interviewer each night and none were announced in advance. Nicky Wire did one night.

As you can imagine, when Alex was announced, and walked on, the place went nuts. Good excuse to dig out a photo:

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Definitely going to order that - it always seemed to me that they are/were nice guys.

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That certainly got a mention or six! I’ll look up that YouTube

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