Nightwish - Birmingham'21 and beyond

Please watch the second one as well, it’s how I and I suspect many ‘punters’ watch other reactors reacting to GLS when you know what is coming


Just did, those guys are even funnier together!


Tink I saw Beth Roars before Nightwish, think there’s a better quality version than this, but:

There is a better one if I can find it.

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Most of these “reaction” videos are nothing more than “click bait”, with little real analysis, but a lot of posturing and ego tripping.

Occasionally you get a good one, and then it becomes interesting. The rest you could stuff down the toilet and forget, but hey, you’ve clicked on them, they get the payment. It’s the modern world, baby!


I suggest we’re just a little too old to understand these monetising systems!

I watched a very interesrting video from someone in my profession considerably younger than me who was making maybe 10x his actual physical work income passively from video views covering various related topics.

I particularly like this chap:

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Yup, agreed.
I personally really dislike reaction videos where the person really only just… reacts, but has nothing of value to say.
I’ve noticed this is the case for a lot of reaction videos from so-called professional singing coaches. A few platitudes (“listen to this transition to head voice!”, “and this breath control!” - yeah, no sh*t Sherlock), and that’s it. Of course there is a lot to unpack when you analyse Floor’s technique, but honestly I wouldn’t want to learn singing from these “coaches”.
And then you have ladies like The Charismatic Voice or Soprano Notes who know their stuff, inside out, and are very good at methodically going through everything that’s happening. I’ve gone through all their Nightwish reaction videos and have learnt so much.


Nightwish lost respect for me in the manner in which Annette was dumped. Also Endless Forms was a big step down imo and so I never bought Human Nature because of it. Also sad to see Marco leave as he bought real fire to the band.

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As I already wrote - I don’t think it was planned - at all. No way would a band want to ‘fire’ or have leave, its Vocalist, midway through a US tour. But we can only guess…

To then get Floor on board, so quickly, is a testament to her - and the band.

Agree 100%, re Marko. Clearly he wasn’t happy, so… he left. I wish him well.

The result of all this, is that Tuomas & Empu are the only original members left… :expressionless:

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This reaction is to a slightly earlier version - its from Buenos Aires, in 2012 - rather that the usual, ‘famous’ version from Wacken in 2013.

It a more technical (and interesting) reaction for a Vocal Coach - not just an HM Fan Boy going - WOW…!!

Thanks for finding/posting this one. Not sen it - and very good. Like Beth Roars, both informative & enthusiastic. He is - quite surprised…!!! :crazy_face:

Here is his follow up vid - more on Floor’s technique:

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I thought this had been debunked though. As in Floor wasn’t brought in at the last minute and had only 48hrs to learn the set list.

Floor had been already approached before and it had been agreed that she would replace Annette temporarily while the latter went on maternity leave. She had therefore already started to familiarise herself with their songs, which she knew already as she apparently was a big fan of them.

In any case I agree that the way they fired their lead singer twice isn’t great and denotes a certain immaturity. Huge musical talent sure, but no great social skills.

Sorry… I was not aware of this… :thinking:

I will see what Google can find for me…

OK, its here:

Floor was initially contacted (by NW) back in May’13 - and was sent the Set List, with a view to her replacing Anette - short term. So, she began to learn the songs… Then in September’13, she got the call/text to ask her to fly to the US. The rest… we know.

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I agree, most are click bait there is nothing worse than watching a REACTION video, of whichever band, not just NW, where the reaction is merely a raised eyebrow and a plea to subscribe and hit the like button.

I partially blame The ‘Nightwish Army’ who subscribe en-masse cos it’s NW regardless of the quality of video.

IMO many reactors see that NW or GLS has gained a huge following so they then in turn use NW as a means of increasing their subscriber numbers and hence their revenue.

Now an ANALYSIS video is a whole different bag, people like The Charismatic Voice, Beth Roars, Julia Nixon have the knowledge and the ability to do that and have much more respect in this household.

I second everything @jejese1 says regarding this subject.

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Not a reaction vid…
Just a version of Over The Hills… which I had not seen/heard before.
From Buenos Aires, December 2012. So with Marko and Jukka…

Just when you thought it was safe… A new Reaction Video to… that…song…!!

Nightwish - Ghost Love Score - Wacken 2013 -

You’re interrupting Ayeron now!!! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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You could ignore Floor… And stick with Arjen… :rofl:

I didn’t, played it very loud and I’m really in the f’ing doghouse now. :neutral_face:

That reaction video is one of the worst I’ve seen - he interrupts it far too often and is obsessed by the poetry rather than our lovely goddess Floor. :smile_cat:

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OK, but see post#61 :laughing: