No iRadio on my Muso Qb unit

This evening I powered off my home router and the Qb as you suggested. I then turned the router on. When the Router was up and the WiFi working, I turned on the Qb. This made no difference. The Android Naim app still had the wheel going round when I selected iRadio.

2 hours later I tried the Android Naim app again. At first the app had the same problem. I pressed the Android Back arrow a few times (to try and get back to the main Qb page), and then the radio folders and icons started to appear! This was at about 11:15pm.

I don’t know if something has changed at the Naim server or at vRadio, but the system has sprung back into life for me and everything seems to be working fine! From the Android Naim app I can see lots of folders and radio stations in iRadio, even the BBC radio stations. They all seem to be working fine !

This is great news. Let’s hope it stays like this going forward.

Have you changed anything at Naim or vTuner? If so, Thank you !

There was something seriously weird going on with the BBC yesterday in this neck of the woods anyway. The Qb1 would not hold any BBC station - it would start and then cut out (router and Qb1 rebooting made not a blind bit of difference), normal Freesat stations went down, Freeview was working and then just stopped (“No signal”). Ended up having to watch Only Connect on Freesat BBC Northern Ireland.

This morning all is normal except Freesat BBC2 still reports “No signal” even after retuning.

Now that the internet radio is working on my Qb1, I am enjoying the worldwide radio stations and categories offered by the iRadio section of the Android Naim app.

The only problem is that I can only use this functionality when I am at home, with my phone and Qb1 on the same WiFi network.

It would be so nice if I could play the iRadio stations through my phone when I am away from home !
Has Naim considered adding this functionality to their app (Android and Apple) ?

Thank you, Alistair

There are plenty of other dedicated apps that provide this eg tunein radio app for iOS and Android.

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