No sound NACD1

Hi Naim Enthusiasts … help please !
i’m a newbie
I have dusted off a long stored
NACD1 cd player and it has no sound,
5 pin naim to RCA …to non naim integrated
all light and command buttons work
no transport screws :slight_smile:
any ideas please on the trouble shooting
thank you in advance

Have you checked that the DIN5-RCA interconnect is correctly wired at the DIN end? - i.e. connected to the “PLAY” pins and not the “REC” pins.

Hi Richard
Yes thx for that, still no sound

OK, if the i/c is fine, that’s a shame as that’s the most straightforward issue to fix.

Perhaps DAC chips have failed? (IIRC the TDA1541A chips are notorious for this) or maybe something in the output stage? I’m sure @NeilS can advise on the possible failures here. The good news here is that the mech appears OK, so probably Naim can service this one for you.

Yes, I would think likely failures here would be the DAC or a tant cap in one of the power supply stages.
Another is incorrect transit bolt length causing track damage to the PCB.


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