No Television

The problem I have is my wife is called Alexa and my daughter Siri, it causes all sorts of havoc!!!


I have never owned a TV.
It has been over 32 years since I lived in a house with a tv in it.

Music has always been my preference so it has never been an issue.
We see tv if we are at the Mother-In-Law’s house and are usually glad that we never succumbed!


I was interviewing someone for a post with us as part of a panel on ‘Teams’. I asked the candidate a question and halfway through her answer she triggered Siri on my iPad, which started answering for her.

Much bemusement by all on line.

They’re listening….



I’ve got a watch given to me by my Grandfather but haven’t worn it, or any other watch, for 30 yrs. At that time I was working in A&E in a London Hospital. A patient ran past me and ripped my Grandfather’s watch off my wrist. That was the last time I rugby tackled anyone. I was wearing a white coat and caught him in the waiting room. I got the watch back but had no replies when I said “next please”.


Our youngest used it to learn calculations. It’s apparently more amusing than watching some silly flashy childrens early morning series.


That never occurred to me, what a good idea.

NumberBlocks (thanks BBC) and Siri. For children everything is a game.

Just tried it. A little limiting if Siri just replied with sound but she also throws up the equation on replying, quite useful.

Have a 65" (oh God, am I bragging!) television and wouldn’t be without it. It’s not necessarily on that much but when I want to watch a movie, or a good drama, it’s there and I enjoy it.


I have total respect for anyone who doesn’t have TV. Why not. There is such a lot of utter crap on these days. Personally I tend to watch motoring stuff like Wheeler Dealers and yes Columbo. I have got Now TV for F1 and Premier League


It would be very interesting if someone could give a phenomenological account of why they don’t have a television.

Well it’s depressing for a start… so much violence and upset, be it the news or fiction - okay I know a lot of the news fits into the fiction bracket as well :wink:


Our TVs are mostly monitors and are used for displaying web content/streaming or local content, and indeed using this forum… so our TVs mostly consist of Tablets, Phones and iMacs/PCs, as well as two large panel screens etc in our family

There is very little realtime broadcast media we watch now - I would say less than 4 hours a month… and I guess that is due to changes in how we consume TV, which is now web / computer based as we take advantage in current technologies and methods that are ultimately more convenient to us.

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First ever episode of which was directed by one Steven Spielberg…

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My main reasons.
Cost - I don’t want to pay for a license and ever increasing subsriptions which don’t include the main reason I watched in the first place, sport. Films are also an add on.
Choice - As Pink Floyd put it so nicely, ‘got thirteen channels of sh1t on the TV to choose from.’ If I want to watch endless repeats of Top Gear, Sharks and Nazis, I’d stick with telly, but it is far worse than thirteen channels now. Many of which are repeat channels. Live sport? That will be another sum of money each month. See first point.
Adverts - If you watch anything other than the BBC, you will get an advert far too regularly. A programme starts and within ten minutes there is an advert. I am far from an expert, but I don’t think there can be more than forty minutes content per hour - as every time you return from an advert, there is a reminder of what you have seen so far. They are limited in range and you will see the same advert for future programmes again and again. Even the BBC will advertise their next and newest offerings regularly.
Lack of opposable thumbs - The television doesn’t have opposable thumbs and therefore can’t paint the 15mm Seven Years War Swedish army I’m working on. It can’t weather and fit a brass door dart on an Early Crest BR Castle Class locomotive to replace the horrid molded thing that was there.
I have an iMac that has a 27" 5k screen that I watch films on, if I ever watch one.
You Tube covers any video interests I have. Quality is variable, but that can be very entertaining.
Books. Lots of books.

I moved to Germany in 1996 and have never watched TV here, initially because I couldn’t understand German, but now I can, because German TV is crap. I invested in a Smart TV last year and it’s great. I have a Netflix subscription, but most of the time I find more interesting stuff on YouTube and GCN+ (a bike channel for those not in the know). A lot of YouTubers are making some really good videos. Bike touring is my thing and there’s some excellent material about that on YT.

The last TV I owned was a 14 in Sony Trinitron which was purloined by one one of the children when they went off to university .
We never got round to getting a replacement and have been sans TV ever since.
Our default radio is R3 which is on all day .
Our real indulgence is books …over 3500 volumes and over 2000 books on our Calibre app for our Kindles .
More than enough one would think but this time of year cannot resist reading ‘best reads of the year’ and buying a few more !

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I aspire to the idea of not having a TV, but there a few things, such as the odd film, sport and occasionally the news, that I do enjoy watching. My aim is to only watch things that I plan to watch, rather than end up sat in front of the TV watching drivel. I would sooner sit in front of the hifi listening to drivel :slight_smile:

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I know people who would never ever consider going on a public bus service.

Imagine the horror of sitting in a bus waiting at a stop so to fulfill its allotted time schedule if it was ahead.

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