Dear Naim fellows.
I am looking for non-Naim all-in-one solution form my second system. My first is Naim Supernait 1 with streamer, Pro Ject turntable and Spendor 2/3 R2 speakers. I would like to simplify things with all-in-one solution and probably another pair of Spendors and possibility to retain to certain amount the fullness of the sound. No thin and bright sounding equipment. I came across two channel Yamaha R-N2000a network receiver which thick all my boxes. It is a streamer, DAC, DAB, internet radio, phono preamp, HDMI (and room correction if needed) Roon tested solution. It also looks great in silver. Unfortunately no demo is possible.
Does anyone here have any experience with Yamaha higher ranked amps/receivers sound?
Thank you very much for the opinion.
Given that you like the sound of your SN1, why not another Naim? A Star, for example, is only a little more expensive than the Yamaha.
Or what about an Atom or a Nova?
Linn Majik DSM. An excellent non-NAIM solution.
Don’t know what your budget may be, but the Lindemann Combo is a very nice sounding all in one. You can even connect an Apple SuperDrive via the usb input and play CD’s if you require at some point. I rate the Lindemann gear very highly, great sound and build. FWIW.
Sorry I do not have any input on the Yamaha!
If you’re looking for an equivalent sound to your naim Kit, then possibly the Linn Select DSM which has an integrated amp and Katalyst Dac is an excellent unit.
However, if you want to keep costs down, then an SN2 is one of the best deals available and it pairs well with the ND5 XS2.
Yamaha wouldn’t be in the same league, but if the price is right then that’s the way to go.
Best of luck with whatever you decide.
We’re not snobs here … just a bit spoiled.
For rooms for occasional use a muso made a lot of sense. The Naim sound without cables, relative low cost and sounds great with an understated style.
If you want the cables and a better sound atom and small speakers (ATC scm11’s) work well for me.
I did try a Linn all in one and it was a little polite for my liking…. I think if you like the Naim sound then stick with that!
Thank you for all suggestions. I am looking for something not-Naim and a bit cheaper. I really like Yamaha vintage look, that is the reason I ask if anyone had a chance to hear both Supernait and some of Yamaha higher ranked equpement.
What is your budget? Audiolab Omnia?
So if you mean cheaper than the integrated naim systems this suggestion is not valid, but I hear many good things about the new not so extreme expensive Audiogroup Denmark brand
Axxess, but this is not cheaper than a Nova.
It had to be cheaper vs an Atom and with a vintage look.
So apart Technics, Yamaha, and Marantz , I don’t see.
Marantz 40N.
But maybe not so vintage look ?
Unitiqute 2 for c£450 maybe.
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