Non Naim PreAmps with NAP 300DR

@ChrisSU, I thought I’d tack on a question at the end of this thread for tidiness, rather than continue in the System Pics 2021, as the topic refers to my question. I’ve just bought a used Bryston BP26 pre as a 70th birthday present for my father (I wasn’t the only contributor!). I want to try it with my 300, hence the XLR query. 2020 was a year of trying new things re: hifi with some very good results.

So given your previous reply, I would therefore be using an RCA to XLR as the 300 is unbalanced? Which is good as I have some of these cables. As a caveat I don’t want to bugger anything up, so won’t try it if you/anyone can foresee an issue that would result in something going wrong with either.

Hi, RCA to XLR should be fine as long as they are wired to suit the pin layout of the 300, as these are specific to the 300, and L and R are also not the same.

Ah. So perhaps my existing ones aren’t suitable since these were ‘off the shelf’.

As Chris advises, go RCA to XLR. However, note that the 300 is not balanced so you will need a specifically made up cable set here paying attention to how each XLR (L & R) is wired.

The pin layout is shown in a little picture next the the socket on the back of the amp. You may need to get some made up. A cable supplier who understands Naim gear, such as Chord or WitchHat, would understand this, or for another supplier, just show them the pin layout diagrams and they should be able to make up what you need. (I guess you could ask Naim too, but I’m not sure how keen they would be to supply something non-standard like this?)

Thanks. I’m assuming you needed to do this when going from your DAVE into the 250.

Yes, exactly. A little simpler, as of course I only needed one cable.

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OK. Apologies.

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