The forum is awash with news, posts and thoughts relating to the newly launched 200 and then 300 series “New Classic” (NC) items. It’s brilliant. It’s so great to read about these newly conceived pieces, complete new systems, listening reports and individual stories. I’ve personally followed most of the threads and debates to date, with so much interest. For my part, I’m most interested in the new NAC 332 pre-amp controller.
At the start of the year, 2023, ( like many other forum members), I was already working towards an end game system goal, when the NC 200 series was announced.
At the first opportunity, I went to see and hear NC 222+300+250. I was really impressed. So, went back a second time for a more studied examination. In the end, considered that my end game aspiration was better served by completing on collecting “Original Classic” (OC) pieces, as planned.
Don’t get me wrong. Thoughts relating to NC 222+300+250 were all positive. However, my thoughts were a slightly different sound signature, rather than a significant upgrade, compared to my intended end game OC system direction. Also, considering the costs of a complete change over to 200 / 300 series didn’t make much economic sense (to me) either.
I went a different way…
A SuperNAIT3, a HiCap DR psu , ND5 XS2 streamer and one or two other new bits and bobs have come into our house during this year. For clarity, I’m really happy with what “green logo” ND5 XS2 + nDAC —> SN3 + HCDR does, for example, compared to NC 222 —> NC250. (Note : We already had the nDAC and box count doesn’t really bother us). Albeit, there is a different voice to these two systems, apparent in the years of evolution between them. But, I’m even more happy for what I’ve paid to get to this level of sound quality. So, I guess it is also a question of value. Or perception of value, that influenced buying decisions too.
All good for Naim. The brand still got my money. But the budget was spent on Original Classic “green logo” items, rather then newly styled “white logo” pieces, etc.
Original Classic isn’t broken and will live on for years yet…
The new (ish) OC system we have at home makes music beautifully.
Mark Twain once said, “reports of my death are greatly exaggerated”. When in fact he quietly lived on, unnoticed, elsewhere. In recent months, it feels like the same might be said of Original Classic, or indeed any of the previous Naim design periods.
Anyway, it occurs to me, aside from all the NC 200 and 300 great systems, there has also been a healthy trade in OC items too. Naim system owners buying up new pieces, while still available, etc. It seems others have done same or similar and this has been a quiet, low key, less reported phenomenon, this year…
Have you invested in a new “Original Classic” system, or maybe just added new OC pieces during 2023.
So, let’s hear it for recent Original Classic purchases, (particularly if following an evaluation of 200 or 300, however brief). Let’s give Original Classic some love too …
Do celebrate your “Not NC 200 or 300 series” system stories from 2023, here…