Not NC 200 or 300 Experiences?

Looking at your system in your profile, the source is fantastic and the amplification at a high enough level to make the 300 series not worthwhile. A very expensive sideways movement perhaps unless you just added the 350s.


Thank you for your thoughtful observations. That’s useful to understand.
Actually, I’m more than happy with everything, with no desire for further upgrades.

Our new (ish) OC system is a delight. For now, just enjoying playing a lot of music.

A caveat is to never rule anything out, for the future :wink:

Best wishes


I too have a NDX2 into SN3 + HICAP DR. I changed my speakers from B&W 805d3 to ATC Smc40 passive and added a 250DR power amp on the end of the SN3. To me the ATC’s needed more control.
I did audition the new 250 and it was great, faster and the extra wattage was noticeable but the 250DR still sounded good and as you said different. The price difference did play its part including the end of line discount. Sometimes price is a factor, changing the speakers and adding an amp at the same time.
Yes, if a suitably priced 2 nd hand 282 appeared then be happy to audition trading in against the SN3, also a power supply for the NDX. Has anyone auditioned the new power supply on the end of a NDX2? Be good to hear if justifies the extra expense over a trade in XPSDR.
In the meantime very happy, never say never. The above upgrades mentioned would be my end game ( I am sure many others have said the same), but not guaranteed I will go there.


Yes. My thoughts exactly. To upgrade to the new 300 series from where I am would be very expensive and wouldn’t really be worth it in my view. The 350s would be very interesting to try out some day - who knows? But I will stay where I am for some time. It has taken a long time for me to get here and there is only a finite amount of money! At least for me. . .


I couldn’t agree more - play a lot of music, enjoy it, and never rule anything out for the future. Enjoy your NC system!

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Hi @ratrat

If we are going to label the new and previous naim systems using initialism, then we should be clear what those letters indicate.

OC = Original Classic
NC = New Classic

After all, Original Classic is not that old, it is still very relevant to most of us here, and more importantly sounds great.

New Classic gives us different choices, and opportunities if we want to take them.

Either way, it is still a very good time to be a naim owner whether enjoying what you have or exploring system changes.


Sure. Like that idea :bulb:
I’ll go back and edit the original post…

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naim themselves have on the forum rated 300 as better than XPSDR. 555PSDR still reigns supreme though.

Will be interesting over time to hear reports of 333 and 332 with 555.

222 less interesting.

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Original Classic (OC) or New Classic (NC)… ?

Here is our story and journey…
For some time, we’ve been considering next steps, from a NAIT XS2 + HC2. Maybe years.

The 202+200 combo’ was a possible target for us. The 272 came along and for a while 272+250 was a possible option. In time, both were discontinued. In parallel, the SN2 became SN3. And the prospect of a replacement for 272 became obvious, (to anyone following things ). So, we patiently waited.

At the start of 2023, the New Classic items began to appear. So, the NC 222+300+250 came into consideration too.

An honest and earnest opinion, SN3+HCDR is as near to separate 202+200. Maybe that’s why this separates combo’ came to an end? I’ve heard several dealers explain this modest separates option became less popular, with advent of 272, then SN3.

The NC 222 option was also carefully examined. The opinion that formed in my mind was that ND5 XS2 + nDAC with SN3 + HCDR, although voiced differently, was better, to my ears. Plus, offered prospect of adding PSU to nDAC, which frankly, I find astonishing, as a digital source.

Other purchase considerations too…
Aesthetics : OC styling matches other items we already have.
Cost : Completing an OC journey made slightly better economic sense (to us) compared with starting again with NC items. Thinking about “value”, the 222 didn’t really offer a sufficiently “better” SQ, compared to our target OC end game system.
Boxes : We really don’t the mind box count.

A decision and commitment was made…
A SuperNAIT 3, a HiCap DR psu and a ND5 XS2 streamer came into our house. (As we already had the nDAC, the streamer is used as transport).

This is how we use these OC pieces…

Our “Original Classic” system : Naim ND5 XS2 → DC1 → nDAC → HiLine → SN3 + HCDR.

We just love it :heart_eyes:

Also, a new SuperLine + HCDR too, supporting the best analogue vinyl source we have in the house. Which was another careful consideration, with NVC-TT + NPX-TT as the NC alternative. Compared, the SL came out as the much better option, (for us).

It feels like a complete system. Maybe, in time, we could add a PSU to the nDAC. For now, we are just enjoying playing lots of music on this outstanding and musical system.

We all make different choices, for reasons that make sense to us, ( at that time). OC or NC, it’s all good. However, in our specific case, OC was considered the better choice, (for us).

Happy end for everyone. From the brand perspective, Naim and their dealer still got our budget. And we’re another very very happy customer, delighted with our much improved home entertainment.

Happy listening today.
Currently listening to Go Go Penguins “ GGP / RMX “
(Source is ND5 XS2 + nDAC. Streaming a CD rip, from an Innous SSD server).

Best wishes.

p.s. keep the 2023 OC purchase stories coming…


:heavy_plus_sign: PSU on that nDAC :+1:

If you love it now, it has more to give.


Interesting read through with regard to the pros and cons of how to move forward with an already lovely system :slight_smile:

When using the ND5XS2 and nDCA in association with the Supernait, can you use full system automisation to control ND5 function and SN3 volume control?

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Really well said. You have a great system and it has been thoughtfully put together. Enjoy it! And thanks for starting this thread.

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Nicely put…
Having lived with an NAIT XS2, (as well a lovely Olive shoe box system), consider that if XS2 was all I could ever have, I’d be happy. It’s actually a really good integrated amp.

We are lucky, blessed, that we can afford a better system. I’m inclined to say this is where we will probably stay. (Caveat, never say never).

Our streaming journey started with an Innous ZENmini. (To match Naim Olive shoe boxes)
The Innous Sense UI is brilliant. Probably one of the best UI’s out there. (We’ve used a few : Linn ; Meridian Soolos ; squeeze box; Apple Music ; Imerge ; various pc applications, etc). Sense was one of the major reasons we went with the Innous server / streamer. With Sense, volume can be adjusted within the app.

We now use Roon. Volume is fixed.
Sense is great and more than enough. IMO better than the capable Naim UI app. However, Roon offers more. mostly to do with album and artist information (meta data) and works better for us with how we think about music and the flow of music listening.

I’m unsure about the Naim automation options. Simply because we have no immediate need - as yet - so not investigated. As is, happy to use the Naim remote, (for occasional volume adjustment), but mostly, Roon on an Apple iPad.

Both Sense and Roon allow control of one or more connected devices - anywhere in the house - across your local network.

Hope that helps with kind of an answer. Maybe others can expand on Naim system automation options?

Best wishes


Yes, system automation will still control the amp volume through the streamer remote control or app. The SA cable links the streamer to the amp, regardless of whether the DAC is the there or not.

What you can’t do is use SA to control input selection on the NDAC. This used to be possible with 1st gen streamers, but not 2nd gen.


Thanks for clarifying :+1:
That’s helpful for me to understand too.

@ratrat & @ChrisSU Thanks both - that’s great :+1:

I’ve got very used to the luxury of a remote (and iPhone App) with my UQ2, so would want full control of the streamer and amp via the Naim App if possible. I knew that the system automisation was fully supported with streamer connected to amp, but thought adding an nDAC comprised this facility. Interesting stuff (cogs whirring).

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I can control the input selection using SA. Buttons 7,8,9 and 0 control the inputs on my nDAC using the remote control that came with my SN3 (NARCOM 5)

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Okay then…
Sunday is a learning day :thinking:

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@ratrat if you have an old Apple TV remote this also operated nDAC inputs……

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Yes, it’s the streamer remote (if you have one) and app that can’t control the NDAC inputs as well as the amp. To me System Automation makes the preamp remote redundant, so I wouldn’t be using it to control the DAC.
The 1st gen streamers had two SA cable sockets, so you could control another device (CD player or DAC) via the streamer as well as the preamp.

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