'Not playable on Mu-so'

Just tried to play Terry Riley’s ‘A Rainbow in Curved Air’ on my Mu-so 2, via Tidal. I get the above message for both tracks when using the app on my iPhone 12 or the app on a MacBook M2.

However the tracks can be played on my iPhone/Pad and sent to the Mu-so where they play with no problems. This suggests it isn’t a licensing issue.

Any ideas, anyone?

If I play the song on my iPad it automatically shifts to Dolby Atmos.
On my superunity it plays like a charm through the Naim app.

Maybe the Dolby Atmos “default”

Good spot. I guess the Mu-so can’t handle Atmos?

There’s another one, in flac. Play that.


I’m listening to in now, on my Nova. A good discovery, thanks.

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