Nottingham Interspace jr

Is there anyone here who has experience with this type of turntable? I appreciate its style and make. Would it be an upgrade from my Rega RP3? What do ‘Vinylists’ think?

I’ve been using a Nottingham Analogue Spacedeck for about 20 years now. Oddly enough my previous turntable was a Rega Plannar 3.

The Spacedeck lets music flow in a manner that is engaging but is not fatiguing, encouraging nights of endless sides of vinyl - I know it’s late, but please, just one more record, it’s only an EP, it won’t take long.

I’ve never seen, let alone heard, the Interspace Junior. I would expect it’s sound to be similar, if lesser, than either the Spacedeck or the Ace Spacedeck (the latter did not yet exist when I made my purchase 20 years ago).

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As with Nathan I have not listened to the Interspace but my brother-in-law has a spacedeck and I would agree with what Nathan has said. My brother-in-law uses his with sugden amplification and it is always a relaxed enjoyable listen.

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